《Theory of relativity》是2020年世界圖書出版公司出版的圖書。
- 中文名:Theory of relativity
- 作者:Wolfgang Pauli
- 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
- 出版時間:2020年
- 開本:24 開
- 裝幀:平裝-膠訂
- ISBN:9787519267759
- Historical Background (Lorentz, Poincaré, Einstein)
- The Postulate of Relativity
- The Postulate of the Constancy of the Velocity of Light. Ritz's and Related Theories
- The Relativity of Simultaneity. Derivation of the Lorentz Transformation from the Two Postulates. Axiomatic Nature of the Lorentz Transformation
- Lorentz Contraction and Time Dilatation
- Einstein's Addition Theorem for Velocities and Its Application to Aberration and the Drag Coefficient. The Doppler Effect
- The Four-Dimensional Space-Time World (Minkowski)
- More General Transformation Groups
- Tensor Calculus for Affine Transformations
- Geometrical Meaning of the Contravariant and Covariant Components of a Vector
- "Surface" and "Volume" Tensors. Four-Dimensional Volumes
- Dual Tensors
- Transition to Riemannian Geometry
- Parallel Displacement of a Vector
- Geodesic Lines
- Space Curvature
- Riemannian Coordinates and Their Applications
- The Special Cases of Euclidean Geometry and of Constant Curvature
- The Integral Theorems of Gauss and Stokes in a Four-Dimensional Riemannian Manifold
- Derivation of Invariant Differential Operations, Using Geodesic Components
- Affine Tensors and Free Vectors
- Reality Relations
- Infinitesimal Coordinate Transformations and Variational Theorems
- Kinematics
- Four-Dimensional Representation of the Lorentz Transformation
- The Addition Theorem for Velocities
- Transformation Law for Acceleration. Hyperbolic Motion
- Electrodynamics
- Conservation of Charge. Four-Current Density
- Covariance of the Basic Equations of Electron Theory
- Ponderomotive Forces. Dynamics of the Electron
- Momentum and Energy of the Electromagnetic Field. Differential and Integral Forms of the Conservation Laws
- The Invariant Action Principle of Electrodynamics
- Applications to Special Cases
- Minkowski's Phenomenological Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies
- Electron-Theoretical Derivations
- Energy-Momentum Tensor and Ponderomotive Force in Phenomenological Electrodynamics. Joule Heat
- Applications of the Theory
- Mechanics and General Dynamics
- Equation of Motion. Momentum and Kinetic Energy
- Relativistic Mechanics on a Basis Independent of Electrodynamics
- Hamilton's Principle in Relativistic Mechanics
- Generalized Coordinates. Canonical Form of the Equations of Motion
- The Inertia of Energy
- General Dynamics
- Transformation of Energy and Momentum of a System in the Presence of External Forces
- Applications to Special Cases. Trouton and Noble's Experiments
- Hydrodynamics and Theory of Elasticity
- Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
- Behaviour of the Thermodynamical Quantities Under a Lorentz Transformation
- The Principle of Least Action
- The Application of Relativity to Statistical Mechanics
- Special Cases
- Historical Review, Up to Einstein's Paper of 1916
- General Formulation of the Principle of Equivalence. Connection Between Gravitation and Metric
- The Postulate of the General Covariance of the Physical Laws
- Simple Deductions from the Principle of Equivalence
- Influence of the Gravitational Field on Material Phenomena
- The Action Principles for Material Processes in the Presence of Gravitational Fields
- The Field Equations of Gravitation
- Derivation of the Gravitational Equations from a Variational Principle
- Comparison with Experiment
- Other Special, Rigorous, Solutions for the Statical Case
- Einstein's General Approximative Solution and Its Applications
- The Energy of the Gravitational Field
- Modifications of the Field Equations. Relativity of Inertia and the Space-Bounded Universe
- The Electron and the Special Theory of Relativity
- Mie's Theory
- Weyl's Theory
- Einstein's Theory
- General Remarks on the Present State of the Problem of Matter