《The Root》是D Angelo演唱的歌曲,收錄於《Voodoo》專輯中。
- 外文名:The Root
- 所屬專輯:Voodoo
- 歌曲原唱:D Angelo
- 歌曲語言:英語
《The Root》是D Angelo演唱的歌曲,收錄於《Voodoo》專輯中。
《The Root》是D Angelo演唱的歌曲,收錄於《Voodoo》專輯中。 歌曲歌詞 She done worked a root Done worked a root that will not be reversed Then I go on go on my role In her play with no rehearsal Said I left ...
root許可權,類似於Windows系統中的Administrator,root是Linux系統中的超級管理員用戶帳戶,該帳戶擁有整個系統的最高許可權,可方便地對於系統的部件進行刪除或更改。簡介 root許可權,系統許可權的一種,也叫根許可權,與SYSTEM許可權可以理解成一個概念...
The Rootcutter 《The Rootcutter》是由Joseph Nobile執導,Cesar Montano主演的一部電影。職員表 演員表
The Cariboo Trail 《The Cariboo Trail》是由Edwin L. Marin執導的電影,由Frank Gruber、John Rhodes Sturdy擔任編劇,蘭道夫·斯科特、George 'Gabby' Hayes等主演。職員表 演員表
Well the root in the hole And the hole in the ground And the green grass grew all around and around And the green grass grew all around And on this root there was tree The prettiest tree that you ever did see ...
《Roots Of All Evil》是Horace Andy演唱的歌曲,收錄於《Reggae Roots People Music》專輯中。歌曲歌詞 Money money money money Is the root of all evil Money money money people Is the root of all evil You work for a man...
11The process of making wine is to crush the root of the tree, soak it in water, and use a cloth to twist the juice.製作酒的程式是把這個樹根碾碎,泡在水裡,用布來擰出汁液。12According to local sheriffs, he ...
Text text=doc.createText("Thisistheroot");root.appendChild(text);doc.appendChild(root);注意事項:JDOM不允許同一個節點同時被2個或多個文檔相關聯,要在第2個文檔中使用原來老文檔中的節點的話。首先需要使用detach()把這個節點...
The root element logically contains (owns or is the parent of) the other UML elements that depend on it to provide their requirements for containership and namespace.根結點元素邏輯上包含(擁有或者是其雙親結點)其他的 UML...
11The mineral elements from the soil that are usable by the plant must be dissolved in the soil solution before they can be taken into the root.土壤中對植物有用的礦物質元素必須先溶解在土壤溶液中,然後才能被根吸收。12...
In the first century A.D., Pliny the Elder wrote of using sea urchin ashes to treat baldness.公元一世紀,老普林尼曾寫過用海膽的灰燼治療來禿頭。In the past the root of this plant was said to possess magical power ...
3、《心靈深處》Deep in the Heart (1996) ... 凱特·馬卡姆 4、《簡·愛》Jane Eyre (1996) ... 坦普爾小姐 5、《勸導》Persuasion (1995) ... 安妮·埃利奧特 6、《友好的巨人》The BFG (1989) (配音) ... 索菲 參演...
It is not money, as is sometimes said, but the love of money—the excessive, selfish, covetous love of money, that is the root of all evil. 金錢並非如人們有時所說的那樣是萬惡之源。對金錢的追求一過度的、自私的、...
[clear up the spring or source of moral character;radically reform by striking at the root of the evil] 從根本上加以整頓清理。表示從根本上徹底解決問題 出處 《漢書·刑法志》:“豈宜惟思所以清原正本之論,刪定律令。”...
Mr. Lee reasoned that Japanese would have originated with the Jomon if the root of the tree turned out to be very ancient, but with the Yayoi culture if recent.李先生論證到,如果樹形圖的根很古老的話日本語則應該是起...
Dr. Wigunda Phanpakorn(琵雅緹達·米提拉榮飾)嫁給Dr. Aniroot Sallawit(提拉帕·薩扎顧飾),每個人都為此高興,因為他們無論是相貌、財富、學歷等方面都是天造地設的一對。當他們去檳城,Aniroot不斷的告訴Wigunda,他愛她,...
18Rather than merely a sign, it is the root from which we can trace back to our ancestor, the tie that helps bind us to other members of the same clan, the dignity most people hope to live for.它不僅僅是一種...
pidof 是Linux系統中用來查找正在運行進程的進程號(pid)的工具,功能類似pgrep和ps。什麼是pidof命令?#man pidof中的解釋:pidof — find the process ID of a running program.pidof–用於查找一個運行的程式的PID。pidof is ...
〖root;foundation〗∶植物或建築物的根基 這座房子的根腳很牢靠 〖theinsandouts(ofamatter)〗∶底細;出身 你須身姓劉,你妻須姓呂。把你兩家兒根腳從頭數。——《哨遍·高祖還鄉》根莖 gēnjīng 〖root-stock;rhizome〗植物地下莖...
Jet nozzle is arranged at the root of the fairwater.噴流孔布置在導流帽的根部。If he put his finger over the nozzle he could produce a forceful spray.如果他把手指按在噴嘴上,就可以產生強力的噴射。