The Road to Serfdom

The Road to Serfdom

《The Road to Serfdom》是2001年Inst of Economic Affairs出版的圖書,作者是F. A. Hayek。


  • 中文名:The Road to Serfdom
  • 作者:F. A. Hayek
  • 出版社:Inst of Economic Affairs
  • 出版時間:2001年12月
  • ISBN:9780255365307


In the last years of World War II, Friedrich Hayek wrote The Road to Serfdom. He warned the allies that policy proposals which were being canvassed for the post-war world ran the risk of destroying the very freedom for which they were fighting. On the basis of 'as in war, so in peace', economists and others were arguing that the government should plan all economic activity. Such planning, Hayek argued, would be incompatible with liberty, and had been at the very heart of the movements that had established both communism and Nazism.
On its publication in 1944, the book caused a sensation. Neither its British nor its American publisher could keep up with demand, owing to wartime paper rationing. Then, in 1945, Reader's Digest published The Road to Serfdom as the condensed book in its April edition. For the first and still the only time, the condensed book was placed at the front of the magazine instead of the back. Hayek found himself a celebrity, addressing a mass market.
The condensed edition was republished for the first time by the IEA in 1999 and has been reissued to meet the continuing demand for its enduringly relevant and accessible message.


弗里德里希·奧古斯特·馮·哈耶克是20世紀西方著名的經濟學家和政治哲學家,當代新自由主義思潮的代表人物,原籍奧地利,後於1931年遷居英國並於1938年獲得英國國籍。他一生從事教學和著述,自本世紀20年代以來,先後執教於奧地利維也納大學、英國倫敦經濟學院、美國芝加哥大學和西德弗萊堡大學等著名學府,主要著作有《貨幣理論和商業盛衰周期性》(Monetary Theory and the Trade Cycle,1928?)、《價格與生產》(Prices and Production,1931)、《貨幣民族主義與國際穩定》(Monetary Nationalism and International Stability,1937)、《利潤、利息和投資》(Profits,Interest and Investment,1939)、《資本的純理論》(The Pure Theory of Capital,1941)、《通往奴役之路》(The Road to Serfdom,1944)、《個人主義與經濟秩序》(Individualism and Economic Order,1948)、《約翰・斯圖爾特・穆勒和哈里特・泰勒》(John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor,1951)、《科學的反革命》(The Counter-Revolution of Science,1952)、《感覺的秩序》(The Sensory Order,1952)、《自由憲章》(The Constitution of Liberty,1960)和《法律、立法和自由》(Law、Legislation and Liberty,1973-1979)等。1974年,鑒於哈耶克“在經濟學界自亞當・斯密以來最受人尊重的道德哲學家和政治經濟學家至高無上的地位”,他和岡納・繆爾達爾(Cunnar Myrdal)一起獲得諾貝爾經濟學獎。


