- 書名:The Renaissance Complete
- 作者:Author:Margaret Aston(瑪格麗特·阿斯頓)
- ISBN:9780500284599
- 出版社:Publisher:Thames & Hudson
- 出版時間:2009-08-03
- 裝幀:平裝
原文(No period has been more discussed, dissected, and argued over than the Renaissance, and every age has interpreted the Renaissance in its own image. Today's emphasis is on the period's complexity-the way in which ideas, politics, religion, society, art, and science depend on and affect one another. This survey brings the image to center stage, and the scope is all-embracing: Italy, France, Spain, Britain, Germany, and the northern countries; courts and patrons; painters and sculptors; churchmen and traders; men, women, and children.)
原文(Margaret Aston, who introduces the book and its eight main themes, is a leading authority on European history of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. She lives in England.)