《The Number Sense》是OUP USA出版的圖書,作者是Stanislas Dehaene
- ISBN:9780199753871
- 作者:Stanislas Dehaene
- 出版社:OUP USA
- 出版時間:2011年6月9日
- 頁數:352
- 定價:GBP 15.99
- 裝幀:Paperback
《The Number Sense》是OUP USA出版的圖書,作者是Stanislas Dehaene
斯坦尼斯拉斯·迪昂(Stanislas Dehaene),男,國際著名的教育神經科學家,法國科學院院士以及美國科學院在內的多國科學院的外籍院士,法國著名的教育神經科學家、認知神經科學家。2010年被授予華東師範大學榮譽教授。出版有The Number Sense、《腦與閱讀》、《腦與意識》、《腦與數學》、《精準學習》等。2014年獲得...
book The number sense, which has been translated in eight languages, and is publishing a new book Reading in the brain, to appear in November 2009. He has also edited three books on brain imaging, consciousness, and brain evolution, and has authored two general-audience documentaries on the ...
A subsection is denoted as a number with brackets. For example, s.78(1)of the Trade Practices Act would read as section 78 subsection 1.(陳忠誠,2000:605),上述解釋說明,section可譯為“條,”subsection則可譯為“款”。此外,經筆者檢索,加拿大法《北美法案》(British North America Act)、...
and write the left-hand side a 1/x - x/x, so you get 1/x - 1 = x or 1/x = x + 1 This says that when you add 1 to the number you want (.618), you get the reciprocal of that number.One way to home in on it, aside from the random approximations you mention, is as ...
odd-carbon number predominance 奇碳數優勢 price predominance 價格優勢 雙語例句 Since the former is most common among those inclined towards indifferent relationships, their predominance can bolster individuals' sense of self-worth. 由於前者在那些傾向於淡漠關係的人群中最為常見,它們的優勢可以增強個體的...
OUT AN ACTION做動作Make is used in a large number of expressions which are explained under other words in this dictionary. For example, the expression ‘to make sense’ is explained at ‘sense’.make 用於構成大量的短語,其釋義列於本詞典的其他詞條下,如 to make sense 的釋義見 sense。
媒體可能對此事很大程度地誇大其詞。We must keep a sense of proportion about all this. 我們必須把握好所有這些事情的輕重緩急。The whole affair was blown up out of all proportion. 整個事件被渲染得太過了。The punishment was out of all proportion to the crime. 懲罰和罪行完全不成比例。
The noun "identifier" has one sense in WordNet. 名詞“identifier”在WordNet中有一種意義。Note that objective is a noun, not an adjective. 注意目標(objective)是一個名詞,而不是一個形容詞。The noun "purchase order" has one sense in WordNet. 名詞“purchaseorder”在WordNet中有一種意義。How ...
my memory has stored 我這點兒記性都留到夢裡了As defense I'm neutered and spayed 我練了葵花寶典來保衛自己What the hell am I trying to say 我他娘的到底想說點兒啥啊It is now time 是時候啦To make it unclear 來把事情弄糊塗吧To write off lines 隨便寫點兒That don't make a sense 味如...
T-ara&the Seeya 《止痛藥》 T-ara 《Number 9》 T-ara 《Number 9》Ver.2 T-ara 《懂得那份感覺》 T-ara 《我怎么辦》 T-ara 《1977 我不記得了》 T-ara 《捉迷藏》 2012年 T-ara 、車勝元 《Lovey Dovey》 T-ara 《Lovey Dovey》殭屍版 T-ara 《Lovey Dovey》東京版 T-ara 《Roly Poly》...
Numbers and Number Sense Understanding Numbers Unit 17 ……… 79 Geometry Geometric Figures Unit 18 ……… 83 Myths and Legends The Iliad and the Odyssey Unit 19 ……… 87 Learning about Language Figures of Speech Unit 20 ……… 91 Classical Art Greek and Roman Art Unit 21 ……… 95 Cla...
9.8.2 Gate Delay 479 Cell 434 9.8.3 Power-Delay Product 4808.4.2 A Sense Amplifier for the 1-T 9.9 Current Mode Logic 481 Cell 436 9.9.1 CML Logic Gates 4818.4.3 The Boosted Wordline Circuit 438 9.9.2 CML Logic Levels 4828.4.4 Clocked CMOS Sense 9.9.3 VEE...
“Mozart the Wonder Boy”“神奇小子莫扎特”Jazz 爵士樂 A Few Favorite Songs 一些深受喜愛的歌曲 Down by the Riverside 走在河岸上 Down in the Valley 深谷之中 Skip to My Lou 跳著奔向我的甜心 V. Mathematics 數 學 Numbers and Number Sense 數和數感 Numbers for Things in Order 序數 Greater ...
Ladies and gentlemen, the United States stands at this time at the pinnacle of world power. It is a solemn moment for the American Democracy. For with primacy in power is also joined an awe-inspiring accountability to the future. If you look around you, you must feel not only the sense ...
18They send a service engineer to fix the disk drive.他們派一位維修師來修理磁碟驅動器。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》19We'll send you a copy as soon as it becomes available.一有貨我們就會給你寄一本去。《牛津詞典》20Who would send me all these flowers? It makes no sense.誰會給我送這么多花...
There were many students in the reading room in this evening.今晚閱覽室里有許多學生。There is a TV set,a stereo system and a number of chairs in the sitting room.客廳里有一台電視機,一套組合音響和一些椅子。here,there,now,then等引起的倒裝 在以here,there,now,then等簡短副詞引起的句子中...
was just a couple weeks ago, and I am just embarking on a career path.FORBES: Readers Say29、If you did your stunt as a joke I am sure the only people laughed are the males.FORBES: Readers Say30、You will hear the whole record in due time and I am sure it will all make sense....
However, these novels' explicit acknowledgment of their characters' social and ethnic backgrounds meant that they were not considered "raceless" in the old-fashioned sense. 然而,這些小說明確承認了人物的社會和種族背景,這意味著他們不被認為是傳統意義上的“無種族”。She was quite explicit about why ...
I had been peering at a computer print-out that made no sense at all. 我一直在費力地看一份不知所云的電腦列印稿。What is true for TV broadcasts will perforce also apply to print media. 在電視廣播上適用的勢必也適用於印刷媒體。What's the point in writing in when you only print half ...
Chapter Three NP: The Article 3.1 Reference 3.2 Idiomatic use Chapter Four NP: Number,Case and Gender 4.1 Number 4.2 Case 4.3 Gender Chapter Five NP: Modifiers and Pronoun 5.1 Modifiers 5.2 Pronoun Chapter Six VP: The Tense 6.1 Two tenses and no more 6.2 Sense of time 6.3 ...
6. a moment, the moment 7. a (great) amount of, amounts of, a (great) deal of, a (great) lot of, (great)number of, numders of, a great mass of, great masses of 8. accept, admlt, recelve 9. accident, incident, event, occurrence, happemngs 10. act, actlon, deed; act, ...
The conviction of their son's murderer helped to give them a sense of closure. 謀殺兒子的兇手被判罪,讓他們得到了一些安慰。《牛津詞典》The Supreme Court threw out the confession and voided his conviction for murder. 最高法院駁回供狀,宣布他的謀殺罪判決無效。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》He is on ...
The Book of the Law Liber AL vel Legis sub figurâ CCXX as delivered by XCIII = 418 to DCLXVI Chapter I 1.Had! The manifestation of Nuit.2.The unveiling of the company of heaven.3.Every man and every woman is a star.4.Every number is infinite; there is no difference.5.Help...
"The postulate of an afterlife enables us to make sense of this life," he writes. “來生的假設讓我們更能搞清楚今生的意義。”他寫道。Zhang Dongsun thinks knowledge is the joint product of sense, form and postulate. 張東蓀認為知識是感相與格式以及設準等的產物。It seems that they would look...
Measuring the dispersion of the dataset. 度量數據集的分散性。Optimists reckon the dispersion makes sense. 樂觀主義者估計散布是有意義的。It influences dispersion of the population. 它影響種群的擴散。There are a number of ways to measure dispersion 有很多種方法可以度量分散度 So, that completes ...