Air Raid (Sabin holds an opponent in a fireman's carry while Shelley hits a diving double foot stomp onto the prone opponent followed by Sabin hitting a fireman's carry takeover onto Shelley's knees or the Cradle Shock)
Bullet Point (Baseball slide (Shelley) followed by a Hesitation Dropkick (Sabin) to on an opponent held in the tree of woe position)
Doomsday dropkick
Double and stereo enzuigiris to one or two opponents respectively
Inverted STF by Shelley followed by a running dropkick to the face of the opponent by Sabin
Irish whip by Sabin into a belly to belly suplex by Shelley, suplexing the opponent into his partner held in a tree of woe position
Kneeling side slam by Sabin followed by a frog splash by Shelley
Motor City Machineguns Sandwich (Running arched big boot (Sabin) / enzuigiri (Shelley) combination to a cornered opponent)
Reverse STO (Shelley) / jumping enzuigiri (Sabin) combination
Side backbreaker hold (Sabin) / diving knee drop (Shelley) combination
Spinning leg sweep (Sabin) / Spinning wheel kick (Shelley) combination
Springboard dropkick by Sabin into a reverse STO by Shelley
Standing inverted Indian deathlock surfboard by Shelley followed into a springboard diving leg drop to the back of an opponent's head by Sabin
Thunder Express (Inverted sitout side powerslam by Shelley into a running cutter by Sabin)