The Man Who Invented Christmas

The Man Who Invented Christmas

《The Man Who Invented Christmas》是Crown Publishing Group (NY)出版的圖書,作者是Les Standiford


  • 中文名:The Man Who Invented Christmas 
  • 作者:Les Standiford
  • 出版社:Crown Publishing Group (NY)
  • 出版時間:2008年11月25日
  • 頁數:241 頁
  • 裝幀:Hardcover
  • ISBN:9780307405784
  • 價格:GBP 15.34
As uplifting as the tale of Scrooge itself, this is the story of how one writer and one book revived the signal holiday of the Western world. Just before Christmas in 1843, a debt-ridden and dispirited Charles Dickens wrote a small book he hoped would keep his creditors at bay. His publisher turned it down, so Dickens used what little money he had to put out A Christmas Carol...(展開全部) As uplifting as the tale of Scrooge itself, this is the story of how one writer and one book revived the signal holiday of the Western world. Just before Christmas in 1843, a debt-ridden and dispirited Charles Dickens wrote a small book he hoped would keep his creditors at bay. His publisher turned it down, so Dickens used what little money he had to put out A Christmas Carol himself. He worried it might be the end of his career as a novelist. The book immediately caused a sensation. And it breathed new life into a holiday that had fallen into disfavor, undermined by lingering Puritanism and the cold modernity of the Industrial Revolution. It was a harsh and dreary age, in desperate need of spiritual renewal, ready to embrace a book that ended with blessings for one and all. With warmth, wit, and an infusion of Christmas cheer, Les Standiford whisks us back to Victorian England, its most beloved storyteller, and the birth of the Christmas we know best. The Man Who Invented Christmas is a rich and satisfying read for Scrooges and sentimentalists alike. 萊斯•斯坦迪福德,美國歷史學家、作家。曾經榮獲B&N書店發現新偉大作家獎、弗蘭克•奧康納獎之最佳短篇小說獎、美國國家藝術基金會小說類學術獎金等。自1985年起,在公立佛羅里達國際大學設立創意寫作項目,並擔任項目的主要負責人。目前是美國作家與寫作項目聯合會、美國推理作家協會(MWA)和美國作家協會(WGA)的成員。至今共出版過21本書,其中包括多部備受讚譽的非虛構類歷史題材作品和一系列推理/驚悚小說。


