《The Fructose Disease: The Biggest Medical Paradigm Shift of the 21st Century》是一本圖書。
- 外文名:The Fructose Disease: The Biggest Medical Paradigm Shift of the 21st Century
- ISBN:9781493728992
The Fructose Disease: The biggest medical paradigm shift of the 21st century.Are modern "lifestyle" diseases in fact diseases caused by fructose? Once a rare ingredient of ripe fruit, sweet fructose has become pervasive in our diets due to sugar and high-fructose corn syrup – with devastating effects on our health. In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Benjamin Seeds presents the facts and draws a bigger picture which is bound to revolutionize medicine and our health. In addition, the book debunks numerous nutrition myths such as "dangerous" saturated fat or "bad" cholesterol.A real game changer. Twenty illustrations and more than one hundred scientific references.Fructose diseases covered by this book:Cavities and tooth decay, diabetes, high blood pressure, overweight and obesity, atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes, several autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis, modern neurological diseases such as ADHD, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, several types of cancer, allergies, asthma, acne, osteoporosis and the majority of digestive disorders, including fructose intolerance and the Irritable Bowel Syndrome.Updated second edition:Fructose and thyroid hormones: chronic fatigue and weight gain despite loss of appetite.Updated third edition:Chronic inflammation and the role of Omega-6 fatty acids.