The End of Eternity

The End of Eternity

《The End of Eternity》是HarperCollins Publishers Ltd出版的圖書,作者是Isaac Asimov


  • ISBN:9780586024409
  • 作者:Isaac Asimov
  • 出版社:HarperCollins Publishers Ltd
  • 出版時間:1971年8月12日
  • 頁數:192
  • 定價:GBP 6.99
  • 裝幀:Paperback
The best time-travel story since H.G. Wells's The Time Machine, by the Grand Master of science fiction, the story of Andrew Harlan, Technician and Eternal. Andrew Harlan's job is to range through past and present centuries monitoring and even altering Time's myriad cause-and-effect relationships. As a Technician with the Allwhen Council, he initiates Reality Changes that may ...(展開全部) The best time-travel story since H.G. Wells's The Time Machine, by the Grand Master of science fiction, the story of Andrew Harlan, Technician and Eternal. Andrew Harlan's job is to range through past and present centuries monitoring and even altering Time's myriad cause-and-effect relationships. As a Technician with the Allwhen Council, he initiates Reality Changes that may affect the lives of as many as fifty billion people -- and a million or more of them may be so drastically affected as to be considered new individulas. Above all, therefore, a Technician must be dispassionate. An emotional make-up is a distinct handicap. Then Harlan meets Noys and falls victim to a phenomenon older than Time itself -- love. Years of self-discipline are cast aside as Harlan uses the awesome techniques of the Eternals to twist Time so that he and Noys might survive! together. 艾薩克•阿西莫夫 Isaac Asimov (1920 ~1992) 俄裔美籍作家,全知全能,被全世界讀者譽為“神一樣的人”。美國政府授予他“國家的資源和大自然的奇蹟”這個獨一無二的稱號,以表彰他在“拓展人類想像力”上做出的傑出貢獻。 阿西莫夫創作力豐沛,一生之中著作近500 本,涉及杜威圖書分類法的每一個範疇,涵蓋人類生活的每一個層面,上天下海、古往今來、從恐龍到亞原子到全宇宙無所不包,從通俗小說到羅馬帝國史,從科普讀物到遠東千年歷史,從聖經指南,到科學指南,到兩性生活指南,每一部著作都樸實、嚴謹而又充滿幽默風趣的格調。 作為人類世界裡最偉大的科幻小說家之一,阿西莫夫曾獲得代表著科幻界最高榮譽的雨果獎和星雲終身成就“大師獎”。他於1955年完成了一部極富遠見的、關於時間旅行的長篇小說《永恆的終結》,釐清了關於時間旅行的終極奧秘和恢宏構想。問世60年...(展開全部) 艾薩克•阿西莫夫 Isaac Asimov (1920 ~1992) 俄裔美籍作家,全知全能,被全世界讀者譽為“神一樣的人”。美國政府授予他“國家的資源和大自然的奇蹟”這個獨一無二的稱號,以表彰他在“拓展人類想像力”上做出的傑出貢獻。 阿西莫夫創作力豐沛,一生之中著作近500 本,涉及杜威圖書分類法的每一個範疇,涵蓋人類生活的每一個層面,上天下海、古往今來、從恐龍到亞原子到全宇宙無所不包,從通俗小說到羅馬帝國史,從科普讀物到遠東千年歷史,從聖經指南,到科學指南,到兩性生活指南,每一部著作都樸實、嚴謹而又充滿幽默風趣的格調。 作為人類世界裡最偉大的科幻小說家之一,阿西莫夫曾獲得代表著科幻界


