The Eagle Has Landed

The Eagle Has Landed

《The Eagle Has Landed》是Berkley Pub Group出版的圖書,作者是Higgins, Jack


  • 作者:Higgins, Jack
  • 出版時間:1975年
  • 出版社:Berkley Pub Group
  • 頁數:356 頁
  • ISBN:9780425177181
  • 定價:58.00 元
  • 裝幀:Pap
Re-released on its 25th anniversary, this classic novel is widely considered to be Higgins' greatest work. Threatened on all sides, a desperate Adolph Hitler orders that Winston Churchill be kidnapped or killed. Meanwhile, a beautiful widow and IRA assassin have laid the groundwork for the most treacherous plot of the war, beginning when Berlin receives the message, “The eagle ...(展開全部) Re-released on its 25th anniversary, this classic novel is widely considered to be Higgins' greatest work. Threatened on all sides, a desperate Adolph Hitler orders that Winston Churchill be kidnapped or killed. Meanwhile, a beautiful widow and IRA assassin have laid the groundwork for the most treacherous plot of the war, beginning when Berlin receives the message,“The eagle has landed”. 傑克·希金斯(1929~)本名哈里·帕特森,出生於貝爾法斯特,成長於北愛爾蘭與英國政治衝突的風暴中心。他有超高的智商(部隊智商測試147分),卻無心讀書,亦無心當一個優秀軍人,因為他發覺“一切都只是一個毫無意義的遊戲而已”;然而他卻塑造了一系列文學史上的另類英雄形象,幫助我們看透,不論政治立場如何變化,什麼才是人最本質、最重要的。 傑克·希金斯被稱為現代驚險小說之父,啟發了當代驚險小說超級天王湯姆·克蘭西、克萊夫·卡斯勒等。他的作品被翻譯成超過五十五種語言,全球累計銷售兩億五千萬冊。代表作《德國式英雄》在全球累計銷量超過五千萬冊,是歷史上最成功的暢銷書之一,也是關於二戰的最著名暢銷小說。“過去的五十年,傑克·希金斯改變了英國的流行小說世界。”(英國《星期日電訊報》)


