- 歌曲:The Cat And The Rat
- 語言:英語
- 發行日期:2007-09-24
- 歌手:Family
- 所屬專輯:Old Songs. New Songs
The Cat And The Rat - FamilyWell you can kick at a cat, stamp on a ratBut you bet your sweet life you won't make it...
So the rat got his bat. Then the rat got his hat. Will the rat and the bat and the hat get the fat cat off the mat?...
the cat takes over the mat, and since he's so big and fat, he can't be budged, not even when the rat tries to lure him with a fish in a...
Heigh ho the derry-oThe cat takes a ratThe rat takes the cheeseThe rat takes the cheeseHeigh ho the derry-oThe rat takes the cheese...
[貓鼠同眠]māoshǔtóngmián 比喻官吏失職,縱容壞人,也比喻上下勾結,朋比為奸[thieves and police work together,as the cat and the rat sleep together;act ...
15 The Cat That Feared the Mice(Ming Dynasty—Song Lian)害十白老鼠的貓(中國明朝一宋濂)16 The Bachelor and the Rats(Ming Dynasty—Song Lian)...
thieves and police work together,as the cat and the rat sleep together <act in collusion with each other>貓鼠同眠成語資料 編輯 成語解釋:貓同老鼠睡在...