the blue nile

The Blue Nile(又名藍色尼羅河)是來自蘇格蘭格拉斯哥另類搖滾、流行樂隊。


  • 中文名:藍色尼羅河
  • 外文名:the blue nile
  • 類型另類搖滾
  • 所屬國家:蘇格蘭
樂隊簡介,Blue Nile,音樂專輯,


成立於1981年,樂隊的成員由三位從格拉斯哥當地大學畢業的年輕人組成:吉它手、作曲家Paul Buchanan,貝斯手Robert Bell和鍵盤手Paul Joseph Moore。他們在超過20多年的歌唱生涯中只發行了四張專輯。1984年,樂隊與Linn Products簽約,發行了第一張專輯《A Walk Across the Rooftops》。在接下來的日子裡,樂隊又陸續發行《Hats》、《Peace at Last》、《High》等三張專輯。
the blue nile
the blue nile

Blue Nile

Blue Nile是一家在納斯達克上市的公眾上市公司,其符號為 NILE。 公司曾獲 Bizrate 發的卓越領域白金獎,該獎表彰那些被實際顧客評為擁有最佳網路客戶服務的公司。 Blue Nile是有史以來唯一獲得此獎的珠寶商,並且自2002以來每年均獲得該獎。
Blue Nile,您可以找到由最權威的獨立鑽石分級化驗室評估的優質鑽石。 您可以創製自己的首飾:您只需選擇合適的鑽石,我們就可把它鑲嵌在您最喜愛的耳環、吊墜或戒指設計中。 所有訂貨均可享有免費運送,在30天內獲得保證並可退回,因此您可以肯定自己作出了正確的決定。


The Scottish folk-ambient band the Blue Nile has enjoyed a mystique contrived by its inaccessibility and the infrequency of its recordings, but it has also made a series of critically acclaimed discs. The group was formed by three Glasgow natives who had graduated from university there: singer/songwriter/guitarist Paul Buchanan, bassist Robert Bell, and keyboardist Paul Joseph Moore. (Engineer Callum Malcolm and drummer Nigel Thomas have worked with the trio consistently, to the point of being considered secondary bandmembers.) (The Blue Nile is the title of Alan Moorehead's 1962 sequel to The White Nile, the two books making up a history of the Nile River.) They recorded their own single, "I Love This Life," which was distributed by Robert Stigwood's RSO Records just before the company closed its doors. They were then signed by Linn Products, which released their debut album, A Walk Across the Rooftops, in 1984. (A&M handled it in the U.S.) Since the company was small and the band did not tour, the album took some time to find its audience, though it briefly reached the U.K. charts and led to high expectations for a second album. This came in 1989 with Hats, which reached the British Top 20, throwing off three chart singles, "The Downtown Lights," "Headlights on the Parade," and "Saturday Night." The album also made the lower reaches of the American charts as the Blue Nile embarked on its first tour, a 30-date journey taking place in the British Isles and the U.S. In the ensuing years, the band members switched record labels, signing to Warner Bros., and contributed to recordings by Robbie Robertson and Julian Lennon. They finally emerged with their third album, Peace at Last, in June 1996. Another critically acclaimed release, it placed in the U.K. Top 20, but failed to chart in the U.S.
the blue nile
the blue nile


