The Berrics更新了公園場地,儘管有很多人不滿說新的The Berrics作為一個舉行各種精彩活動的地方任然和以前一樣那么神秘。
Battle at the Berrics
Battle at the Berrics 1
2007年,DVS公司在The Berrics贊助舉辦了比賽,32位滑手在Game Of S.K.A.T.E中互相對戰。參與的滑手有Steve Berra , Eric Koston , Rob Dyrdek , Andrew Reynolds , Mike Carroll , Marc Johnson , Erik Ellington , PJ Ladd以及Sean Malto等一些出色的大牌頂尖滑手。最後的贏家是Mike Mo Capaldi,位居第二的是Benny Fairfax,Billy Mark獲得第三名。Mike Mo最終獲得了DVS贊助的10,000獎金。Game Of S.K.A.T.E賽事表
Battle at the Berrics 2
這次的比賽是讓觀眾從150名滑手中選出32名滑手進行Game Of S.K.A.T.E比賽。參與的滑手包括Kenny Anderson, Lucas Puig, Heath Kirchart, Dennis Busentiz以及Mike Vallely , 等等。Chris Cole在與Paul Rodriguez進行了精彩卻艱苦的對抗之後,終於贏得了冠軍,而名列第三的是Cory Kennedy。
Battle at the Berrics 3
附:這是Battle At The Berrics每次比賽前念的比賽規則:
This is flatground only, but that doesn't mean anything on the flatground counts.
No feet on the ground.
That means no, no complies.
No handplants.
No bonelesses.
No grabs.
Last letter gets two tries.
Offensive toe drag gets one do over.
Defensive toe drag has a bigger margin for error, but will ultimately
be decided by the referee.
Let's keep it clean. Let's keep it lean. This is the Battle at the Berrics
and there's only gonna be one winner, so may God have Mercy on your souls.