- 外文名:Tether
- 英式讀音:[ˈteðər]
- 美式讀音:[ˈteðər]
- 詞性:名詞,動詞
英 [ˈteðə(r)] 美 [ˈteðər]
n. 系鏈;拴繩
v. (用繩或鏈)拴住
n. (Tether)(美、英、加、新、澳、法)特瑟(人名)
Wireless Tether 無線路由 ; 無線路由器 ; 無線鏈 ; 無線繫繩
TOP Tether 兒童座椅固定裝置 ; 頂系環 ; 頂部系帶 ; 上拉帶
tether umbilical 系帶
tether noise 系纜噪聲
tear tether 撕裂◇束縛
Space Tether 太空系鏈
tether line 牽繩
Wifi Tether 無繩上網 ; 無線路由器 ; 無線共享軟體
- She was jealous, humiliated, and emotionally at the end of her tether. 她覺得又嫉妒又屈辱,情緒低落至極。
- I knew what it meant: The handrail could be completely pulled off and the safety tether might break, and I might therefore be pushed into space. 我知道這意味著什麼:扶手可能會被完全扯下來,安全繩可能會斷裂,我可能因此被推到太空中去。
- Once you are in this geostationary orbit right over the tower, just lower your carbon nanotube cable down from the satellite, tether it to the tower here on Earth. 一旦你來到這個塔旁的地球靜止軌道,只需把碳納米管電纜從衛星上放低然後將其系在位於地球的塔端。
- He's at the end of his tether. 他沒著兒了。
- Not confined or restricted with a tether. 沒有被繩、鏈等限制或者束縛。
- Poor girl, she looked at the end of her tether. 可憐的女孩,她看來已到了走投無路的感覺了。
- Give us a longer tether to see if we could do more. 給我們更大空間,看看我們是否能做得更多。
- The cow had broken its tether and was in the cornfield. 那頭牛弄斷繫繩,跑到玉米田裡去了。
- The grappling hook can also be used to tether two objects together. 抓鉤還可以用來把兩個物體拴在一起。
- She was jealous, humiliated, and emotionally at the end of her tether . 她既忌妒又感到屈辱,感情上已經到了崩潰的邊緣。
- The duck takes off, hoisting the rabbit into the air at the end of the tether. 憤怒的鴨子一把抓起兔子,用盡氣力把它扔到了遠處。
- The GuideLine system's bumper-mounted sensor, with a Kevlar tether hanging out. 該指標體系的保險槓式感測器,具有芳綸拴掛出來。
- All Samaritan did was share some information and tether a few databases, and look. 撒馬利亞人只是公開了某些訊息黑進了幾個資料庫,結果你看。
- I've been looking after four young children all day and I really am at the end of my tether! 我整天都在照料四個小孩,確實已筋疲力盡了!
- Instead, the rocket-powered sky crane will gently lower the rover to the surface using a tether. 而火箭助力的架空所吊運機能用鏈子使流浪者輕輕著陸在火星表面。
- And they must learn to control the various vibrations that arise in electrodynamic tether systems. 他們也必須學習控制電動纜索系統出現的各類震動。
- These underwater robots are small and attached to a tether so they can't be swept away in currents. 這些水下機器人雖然很小,但被繫繩拴著,所以不會被水流沖走。
- They are at the end of their tether; another strain upon their business means bankruptcy for them. 他們已到了山窮水盡的地步,他們的生意再經受一次壓力就會破產。
- Eye contact ties the speaker to the masses with an invisible tether and forces them to pay attention. 眼神的交流能使談話者的注意力無形之中集中起來。
- Most of the Android handset will allow to tether or create a virtual Hotspot and connect other devices. 大多數的Android手機將允許疊接或創建虛擬熱點並連線其他設備。
- “Unleash us from the tether of fuel, ” their then commander in Iraq, General James Mattis, later pleaded. “讓我們擺脫燃料的束縛吧”,他們那時在伊拉克的指揮官JamesMattis將軍,後來這樣呼籲道。
- A tether length rate control algorithm has been described in this paper, based on a dynamics study by state plane method. 本文採用狀態平面方法研究動力學,並開發了柔線速率控制算法。
- Speaking of leapfrogging the iPhone: with Froyo, when you download an app to your computer you don't need to tether your phone. 說說她超越iPhone的地方:在Froyo中,當你把一個應用程式下載到你的電腦中,你不需要用連線線把手機接上。
- The iPhone lets you tether, but requires a Bluetooth connection, rather than using Wi-Fi. And it doesn't work with the low-end iPad. iPhone允許你做數據系鏈,但它要求要有藍牙連線,而不是使用Wi - Fi,這對於低端iPad就不管用了。
- Jenny was so tired after weeks of negotiation that she reached the end of her tether and decided accept the other side's offer. 經過數周的談判,珍妮疲倦到了極點,決定接受對方的要求。
- The TLP plane motion, stability, redistribution of tether force and dynamical factor has been viewed, during the rupture of one leg. 觀察了單腿破斷時張力腿平台的平面運動、穩性、張力的重新分配和動力係數。