Teenage Girls

Teenage Girls

Teenage Girls》是一首英文歌曲,發行時間是2011年2月8日,由lena演唱。該歌曲的所屬專輯是《Good News》。


  • 中文名:Teenage Girls
  • 歌手::Lena
  • 語言::英語
  • 所屬專輯::Good News


Teenage Girls》是一首歌曲名。


Teenage Girls
Teenage girls aren't sugar and spice
Cause boys I know don't go for nice
I spent my allowance on something you'd like
You play sick boy
I'll be yous nurse tonight
You'll be surprised
My friend's mate's giving me the eye
Says he's got a fast car
And he wants to teach me how to drive
We smoke funny things
Catch a bottle of wine
Flip you off when I'm riding my bike
Skip school
Put me in a sunny mood
And I'll hop hop straight into love with you
Cause ain't that what teenage girls do
Cause that's what teenage girls do do do...
Ain't that what teenage girls do do do
Teenage girls aren't sweetness and light
The things we do will blow your mind
My friends all come over when my mum's not home
I've got pictures
On my phone
We smoke funny things
Catch a bottle of wine
Flip you off when I'm riding my bike
Skip school
Put me in a sunny mood
And I'll hop hop straight into love with you
Cause ain't that what teenage girls do
Cause that's what teenage girls do do do...
Ain't that what teenage girls do do do
Teenage girls turn out allright
Not too different from teegange guys
Chill hang sleep
We do as we like
Won'T say sorry
That'凝腿影s how we ride
Do do do do
Ain't that what teenage girls do do do do
We smoke funny things
Catch a bottle of wine
Flip you off when I'm riding my bike
Skip school
Put me in a sunny mood
And I'll hop hop straight into love with you
Cause ain't that what teenage girls do
Cause that's what teenage girls do do do...
Ain't that what teenage girls do do do
這個來自漢諾瓦的甜甜的女孩有著一張天使的面孔(甜甜的笑容、清享請地蜜爽的面容以及可愛的撅嘴),加上天籟的聲音,出色的音樂才華,理所當然地被德國民眾選中,為德國在歐洲舞台上歌唱,顯然,德國人對她厚櫻槳寄予了厚望,她也很快成為全德輿譽享付論的焦點、德國人眼裡的女英雄,她沒有辜負大家的厚望。 她的祖父是德國的外交家Andreas Meyer-Landrut,但是她的父親在寒習她兩歲的時候離開了她們母女,現在他的父親一定後悔了,因為,現在,全德國都在為Lena狂熱。只鍵探舟小Lena5歲就開始聯繫跳舞和唱歌,是真正的演藝才女。從2009年秋天,當時才18歲的她開始參加“我們去奧斯陸的英雄”節目,並最終奪魁。她為決賽所創作的作品是Satellite(英文歌曲)唱響全德,她也因此獲得了Satellite的綽號。 世界盃的熱潮還沒有真正來臨的時候,德國的“Lena熱”早已經開始了。
Teenage girls turn out allright
Not too different from teegange guys
Chill hang sleep
We do as we like
Won'T say sorry
That's how we ride
Do do do do
Ain't that what teenage girls do do do do
We smoke funny things
Catch a bottle of wine
Flip you off when I'm riding my bike
Skip school
Put me in a sunny mood
And I'll hop hop straight into love with you
Cause ain't that what teenage girls do
Cause that's what teenage girls do do do...
Ain't that what teenage girls do do do
這個來自漢諾瓦的甜甜的女孩有著一張天使的面孔(甜甜的笑容、清爽的面容以及可愛的撅嘴),加上天籟的聲音,出色的音樂才華,理所當然地被德國民眾選中,為德國在歐洲舞台上歌唱,顯然,德國人對她寄予了厚望,她也很快成為全德輿論的焦點、德國人眼裡的女英雄,她沒有辜負大家的厚望。 她的祖父是德國的外交家Andreas Meyer-Landrut,但是她的父親在她兩歲的時候離開了她們母女,現在他的父親一定後悔了,因為,現在,全德國都在為Lena狂熱。小Lena5歲就開始聯繫跳舞和唱歌,是真正的演藝才女。從2009年秋天,當時才18歲的她開始參加“我們去奧斯陸的英雄”節目,並最終奪魁。她為決賽所創作的作品是Satellite(英文歌曲)唱響全德,她也因此獲得了Satellite的綽號。 世界盃的熱潮還沒有真正來臨的時候,德國的“Lena熱”早已經開始了。


