- 外文名:Tasteless
- 詞性:形容詞
《Tasteless But Taciturn》是Grass House演唱的一首歌曲。Tasteless But Taciturn - Grass House your bones will thicken your skin it will grow coarse your brittle fingers reach out for the light but find the dark your ...
形容顏色、味道、態度的一個詞語。【詞語】:很淡.【注音】:hen(三聲) dan(四聲).【英譯】:tasteless:無味的;無風味的。例句:If you describe food or drink astasteless, you mean that it has very little or no ...
無味(wú wèi)是一個漢語詞語,指沒有味道;毫無趣味,枯燥,出自《老子》。引證釋義 wú wèi (1) [unsavoriness;tasteless;unpalatable]∶沒有味道。(2) [dull;uninteresting;insipid]∶毫無趣味,枯燥。1.謂平淡無奇,不含...
tasteless; without enough salt; insipid; dull; not interesting, to taste food before royalty partook 方言 䭕(潮汕話zian2) (國語jiàn)《廣韻》“食味薄也”。在潮汕話中仍用來形容食物清淡無味,對應鹹。如:①白䭕(白...
Gutless and tasteless, cut it some slack.There'll be time, yeah, there'll be time (x3).Salt future's rising from Salt Lake.Lickin' the salt flat, another bad season.Tripping and soaking, we dry the crop.Here'...
《Graceless》是The National演唱的歌曲,收錄在專輯《Trouble Will Find Me》中。《Graceless》歌詞:Graceless Is there a powder to erase this?Is it dissolvable and tasteless?You can't imagine how I hate this Graceless I'm ...
dregs of wine, tasteless; insipid 古籍解釋 康熙字典 䤔【酉集下】【酉部】康熙筆畫:21畫部外筆畫:14畫 康熙字典 䤔 《唐韻》慈冉切《集韻》疾染切,𠀤音漸。《玉篇》䤔䣸,味薄也。又《集韻》一曰醬也。又《集韻...
So tasteless odorless a waste of your time Consumed with no strength left a world so unkind But you can talk to me yes you can talk to me I'll chase the bad away Embracing the cold with your outstretched ...
- MLG線下將邀請包括Artosis、Tasteless等等全球知名(英語)解說(兩位都是GSL英文解說),以及Rob Simpson(暴雪員工)參與解說 - MLG線下將有五路高清直播,其中主舞台將進行無斷檔、無間隔、無"五分鐘後回來"的1080P超清直播 - MLG線下的...
《Selene》是樂隊 Imagine Dragons 演唱的一首歌曲,收錄於 2010-03-01 發行的專輯 《Hell and Silence》中。歌曲歌詞 To the top of all the world to the tasteless underworld to the center of your heart oh Cleopatra is the...
Pouring tasteless white milk into the sink Hoping that grandma didn’t see me doing it Couldn’t drink nothing without color in it Hating colorless society and proving it Watching too much tv for a Chinese girl Living ...
chrysarobin,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“[有化] 柯椏素(用於治療皮膚病);驅蟲豆素”。單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 chrysarobin /ˌkrɪsəˈrəʊbɪn/ 1.N a tasteless odourless powder containing...