TP Monitor

TP Monitor位於客戶機和資料庫伺服器之間,採用三層或多層模型。客戶通過TransactionRPC(TRPC)機制在TPMonitor中調用事務,TPMonitor運行事務來連線資料庫,並將處理結果返回給客戶端。TPMonitor提供一系列服務,如套用管理、管理控制和套用之間訊息傳遞等。常見的屬性包括全局事務協調、分散式兩階段提交、資源管理器支持、協調故障恢復、高可用性、安全性和網路負載平衡等。


  • 外文名:TP Monitor
  • 位置:客戶機和資料庫伺服器之間
  • 模型:三層或多層模型
  • 屬性:全局事務協調、分散式兩階段提交、資源管理器支持
Short for transaction processing monitor, a program that monitors a transaction as it passes from one stage in a process to another. The TP monitor's purpose is to ensure that the transaction processes completely or, if an error occurs, to take appropriate actions.
TP monitors are especially important in three-tier architectures that employ load balancing because a transaction may be forwarded to any of several servers. In fact, many TP monitors handle all the load balancing operations, forwarding transactions to different servers based on their availability
詞性及解釋 Part of speech and defination
【醫】(teleprocessing monitor)遠程處理監控軟體


