Sweet\x27s syndrome

Sweet\x27s syndrome

《Sweet's syndrome》即斯維特綜合徵(甜綜合徵),為少見風濕病,主要見於女性。


  • 中文名:甜綜合徵
  • 外文名:Sweet's syndrome
  • 性質:醫學
  • 類別:病症
<syndrome> This rare condition is characterised by red-brown plaques and nodules that are frequently painful and occur primarily on the head, neck and upper extremities.
The patients will also have fever and increased white blood cell counts (neutrophils). In approximately 10% of the patients there is an associated malignancy, most commonly acute nonlymphocytic leukaemia.
The idiopathic form (unknown cause) of Sweet's syndrome is seen more often in females following a respiratory tract infection.


