Subtle Is the Lord

Subtle Is the Lord

《Subtle Is the Lord》是Oxford University Press, USA出版的圖書,作者是Abraham Pais


  • ISBN:9780192806727
  • 作者:Abraham Pais
  • 出版社:Oxford University Press, USA
  • 出版時間:2005年11月3日
  • 頁數:576
  • 定價:USD 24.95
  • 裝幀:Paperback
"Subtle is the Lord" is widely recognized as the definitive scientific biography of Albert Einstein. The late Abraham Pais was a distinguished physicist turned historian who knew Einstein both professionally and personally in the last years of his life. His biography combines a profound understanding of Einstein's work with personal recollections from their years of acquaintanc...(展開全部) "Subtle is the Lord" is widely recognized as the definitive scientific biography of Albert Einstein. The late Abraham Pais was a distinguished physicist turned historian who knew Einstein both professionally and personally in the last years of his life. His biography combines a profound understanding of Einstein's work with personal recollections from their years of acquaintance, illuminating the man through the development of his scientific thought. Pais examines the formulation of Einstein's theories of relativity, his work on Brownian motion, and his response to quantum theory with authority and precision. The profound transformation Einstein's ideas effected on the physics of the turn of the century is here laid out for the serious reader. Pais also fills many gaps in what we know of Einstein's life - his interest in philosophy, his concern with Jewish destiny, and his opinions of great figures from Newton to Freud. This remarkable volume, written by a physicist who mingled in Einstein's scientific circle, forms a timeless and classic biography of the towering figure of twentieth-century science. 作者,(美) A.派斯 譯者簡介 戈革(1922年1月-2007年12月29日),男,號紅莩,一號拜鞠。河北省獻縣人,1949年畢業於北京大學物理系,1952年畢業於清華大學物理研究所,後即從事物理教學工作,直至退休。原習理論物理學,中年以後治量子物理學史,專研偉大學者尼耳斯·玻爾的生平、工作和思想。2001年被丹麥女王授予“丹麥國騎士勳章”。平生著譯數十種,共約一千五百萬言。正業面外,有多種文人愛好,能作舊體詩詞,尤嗜治印。主要譯、著作品有12卷本的《尼耳斯·玻爾集》《巨觀電磁場論》、《玻爾——他的生平、學術和思想》、《史情室文帚》等。


