關於單曲 I'm not really nervous this time as people are able to dig into the music right away 這次我沒有那么緊張了,因為這次大家可以比較容易理解音樂 We don't have to worry about how our vocalist is going to be received. 我們不需要擔心主唱會否被接受 Maybe the emphasis is now where it should be 也許重點已經回到它該去的地方了 After a long time,Storytime is a single that pretty well represents the whole album. 這么久以來,storytime是一張能很好反映整個專輯的單曲 Last time the first singles were Eva and Amaranth 上次的單曲是eva和amaranth They really didn't give a proper picture of the album. 這兩首歌並沒有很好地讓大家看到專輯(dpp)的概貌 But this time Storytime is a pretty good opener and shows what you can expect不過這次storytime則是一個很好的能帶來期待的開端 The song was inspired by the movie Snowman that they show each Christmas on TV 這首歌的靈感來自於每個聖誕都在電視上播的snowman電影 I wondered why no one has made a remake of this animated film 我很奇怪為什麼沒有人翻拍這部這么好的片子 Probaly cos it's perfect as its is 可能是因為原版已經足夠完美了 But you can still play around with the thought of a modern remake with new music and wonder how it would sound like 不過你還是能夠用音樂來重現它(snowman),並且想像聽起來會怎樣 Especially during the legendary flight scene where you can now hear Walking in the air 尤其是walking in the air裡面那段傳奇般的飛行場景 Just for fun,I decided to write my own musical version of that scene 出於興趣,我決定用自己的音樂風格來描繪那個場景 That's how the music of Storytime was born 這就是storytime的靈感發源 We wanted to prioritize the movie,as it's going to be really something,so the single's video should somehow tie in with the movie 我們想先把電影做好,因為這是很實質的東西,所以單曲的mv某程度上也與電影相關 We've already made a few grand fantasy videos,like The Islander and Amaranth,so we wanted to do something a bit more down to earth,something a bit more gritty,and went for this making of like clip 我們已經做了幾個恢弘而夢幻的mv,比如the islander和amaranth,所以我們想做點更踏實更富挑戰的事情,所以我們把storytime的mv做得像電影剪接一樣 It should be pretty interesting to watch for the fans,even a couple of times 對於歌迷來說單曲的mv即使看很多遍應該也會覺得挺有趣 The whole concept really works,too,and at least for me and my friends,it has put a nice smile on our face 而這個概念也的確是可行的,至少讓我和朋友們都覺得有意思Nightwish專輯《Imaginaerum》封面Nightwish
It was the night before在那夜之前
When all through the world整個世界
No words, no dreams一片寂靜 無夢無影
then one day直到一天
A writer by a fire爐火旁的作家
Imagined all Gaia構思出整個蓋亞(神奇大陸)
Took a journey into a chlid-man's heart遊歷了一顆孩童般的心
A painter on the shore一位畫家在海岸上
Imagined all the world幻想出全部世界
within the snowflake on his palm在掌心的落雪中
Unframed by poetry詩意將畫框消融
A canvas of awe震撼的畫面
Planet Earth falling back into the stars地球跌入群星中
I am the voice of Never-Never-Land我是彼岸的歌聲
The innocence, the dreams of every man是潔白,是每個大人的夢
I am the empty crib of Peter Pan我是彼得潘的小床
A silent kite against the blue, blue sky是寂靜的風箏直上湛藍的天空
Every chimney, every moonlit sight是每一座煙囪 每一束月光
I am the story that will read you real我是直達你們內心的故事
Every memory that you hold dear是每一段被緊握的回憶
I am the journey我是那旅程
I am the destination是那終點
I am the home,the tale that reads you我是那家園,是那童話將你讀懂
A way to taste the night是一種品味這夜晚的途徑
The elusive high在朦朧的高處
Follow the madness追尋著愛麗絲的瘋夢
Alice, you know once did你知道的,那曾經的漫遊
A dream emporium夢琳琅滿目
Caress the tales緊抱著這些故事
and they will dream you real你會夢見真實
A storyteller's game一個故事家的遊戲
Lips that intoxicate迷醉在這唇音低語
The core of all life is生命的中心就是那
limitless chest of tales無盡寶藏蘊於故事中
I am the voice of Never-Never-Land我是彼岸的歌聲
The innocence, the dreams of every man是潔白,是每個大人的夢
I am the empty crib of Peter Pan我是彼得潘的小床
A silent kite against the blue, blue sky是寂靜的風箏直上湛藍的天空