《Stochastic Opinion Dynamics: Theory and Application》是2021年冶金工業出版社出版的圖書。
- 外文名:Stochastic Opinion Dynamics: Theory and Application
- 作者:蘇偉、陳鴿
- 出版時間:2021年3月15日
- 出版社:冶金工業出版社
- ISBN:9787502487546
《Stochastic Opinion Dynamics: Theory and Application》是2021年冶金工業出版社出版的圖書。
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3 Probability and stochastic processes 3.1 Elementary rules of probability theory 3.2 The empirical distribution 3.3 Some properties of probability distributions 3.4 Some theoretical distributions 3.5 Lawsof large numbers 3.6 Stochastic processes 3.7 Correlations and stationary processes 4 Scaling ...
6.3 Resonant excitation and (auto-)ionization 6.4 Homework problems References 7 Density-matrix element equations 7.1 Resonant ionization 7.2 Ionization in stochastic fields 7.2.1 Averaged equations for resonant auto-ionization 7.3 Homework problems References ……8 Matrix elements of atomic...
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《具有分數維、時滯和同步的複雜系統(英文版)》內容簡介:Complex Systems Fractionality, Time-delay and Synchronization covers the most recent developments: and advances in the theory and application of complex Systems in these areas, Each chapter was written by scientists highly active in the field of...
《具有分數維、時滯和同步的複雜系統(英文版)》內容簡介:Complex Systems Fractionality, Time-delay and Synchronization covers the most recent developments: and advances in the theory and application of complex Systems in these areas, Each chapter was written by scientists highly active in the field of...
我們從統計學習理論的角度,研究了使用Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics (SGLD)算法解決非凸的風險最小化問題。針對深度神經網路具有強大表示能力的原因,我們證明了寬度受限神經網路的通用近似理論,深入研究了寬度對神經網路表達能力效率的影響。我們探索了如何定量描述深度神經網路學習的特徵,並基於神經元激活子空間...
"Capital Structure, Debt Maturity, and Stochastic Interest Rates", with N. Ju, Journal of Business, 79, 2469-2502, 2006."Estimation of Continuous-Time Models with an Application to Equity Volatility", with G. Bakshi and N. Ju, Journal of Financial Economics, 82, 227-249, 2006."Prospect ...
Controllers for the H Control Problem with Unstable Invariant Zeros or Infinite Zeros Chapter 13 Recent Advances in Bifurcation Control Chapter 14 Intelligent Medical Robot Application - Tele-Neurosurgical Robot Case Study Chapter 15 Applications of Stochastic Control Theory in Portfolio Management ...
20.“Dynamic Mean-variance and Optimal Reinsurance Problems under the No-bankruptcy Constraint for an Insurer”, Annals of Operations Research , 2014, 1 (with Bi J., Zhang Y., SSCI, SCI).21.“Stochastic Optimal Control Models for the Insurance Company with Bankruptcy Return”, Applied ...
[4] P. Cao, S. Liu, J. Gao, H. Shen, J. Li, Y. Liu, and X. Cheng, Finding topic-related tweets using conversationalthread, in Intelligent Information Processing [5] J. Li, G. Xing, Y.Wang, and Y. Ren, Training opinion leaders in microblog: a game theory approach, ...
hydraulics,英語單詞,主要用作為名詞,用作名詞譯為“水力學”。單詞釋義 英 [haɪˈdrɒlɪks] 美 [haɪˈdrɔːlɪks] n. 水力學 短語搭配 Hydraulics and River Dynamics 水力學及河流動力學 ; 水動力學及河道動力學 oil hydraulics 液壓工程學 stochastic hydraulics [水文] 隨機水力學 ...
在物理學和化學中,馬爾可夫鏈和馬爾可夫過程被用於對動力系統進行建模,形成了馬爾可夫動力學(Markov dynamics)。 在排隊論(queueing theory)中,馬爾可夫鏈是排隊過程的基本模型。在信號處理方面,馬爾可夫鏈是一些序列數據壓縮算法,例如Ziv-Lempel編碼的數學模型,在金融領域,馬爾可夫鏈模型被用於預測企業產品的...
7. 4. 3Two Theorems in Probability Theory 7.4. 4MC Error Analysis 7. 4. 5Importance Sampling Technique 7. 5Stochastic Dynamics 7.5.1Random Sequences 7. 5.2Stochastic Dynamics 7. 6Monte Carlo Simulation and Ising Model 7. 6. 1Simulation Methods 7. 6. 2Random Walk Methods 7. 6.3 ...
StochasticMethods B.ClassificationofOptimizationsinMolecularSimulations LocalOptimizationMethods 1.SteepestDescentMethod(SDM)2.DampedNewtonianDynamicsMethod 3.ConjugateGradientsMethod(CGM)4.Quasi-NewtonMethods GlobalOptimizationMethods 1.SimulatedAnnealingMethod 2.GeneticAlgorithm ConclusionsandDiscussion Bibliography Cha...
本書的主要內容為蒙特卡洛方法和分子動力學方法在固體、納米材料、分形、化學反應以及生物中的套用。圖書目錄 Contents Random Number Generation* Dietrich Stauffer A Few Exercises with Random Numbers Peter Blaudeck Monte Carlo Simulations of Spin Systems* Wolfhard Janke Metastable Systems and Stochastic ...
[3].Zaoli Yang, J D Zhu*, Online product purchasing decision through IoT platform: based on normal stochastic multi-criteria decision method and vertical projection distance, Cluster Computing,2018, 2, 1-9,SCI&EI [4].Zaoli Yang,J P Chang*,Solving dynamic normal distribution stochastic ...
7 Non-linear correlations and volatility fluctuations 7.1 Non-linear correlations and dependence 7.1.1 Non identical variables 7.1.2 A stochastic volatility model 7.1.3 GARCH(I,I)7.1.4 Anomalous kurtosis 7.1.5 The case of infinite kurtosis 7.2 Non-linear correlations in financial ...
7.1 Autocorrelation function and spectral density 7.2 Higher-order correlations: The volatility 7.3 Stationarity of price changes 7.4 Summary 8 Stochastic models of price dynamics 8.1 Levy stable non-Gaussian model 8.2 Student's t-distribution 8.3 Mixture of Gaussian distributions 8.4...
Title: Simulation and Numerics by Malliavin Calculus for Backward Stochastic Partial Differential Equations Dr. Yilun Shang, Tongji University, China Title: Opinion consensus in networks of agents Prof. OCTAVIAN AGRATINI, Babeş-Bolyai University, Romania Title: From uniform to statistical convergence of...
Cai H, Wang Y, Kuang C, Ge J, Xu Y, Liu X. (2015) Sub-diffraction imaging with total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy by stochastic photobleaching. Journal of Modern Optics 312, 62-67.Ma Y, Kuang C, Fang Y, Ge B, Mao X, Shen S, Xu Y, Liu X. (2015) ...
Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research,University of Toronto (1983); M.A.Sc. (1981). Thomas Alva Edison Professor,Columbia University. Taught at Harvard University. Research and teaching: queuing networks,discrete event stochastic systems,applied probability,operations management,etc...
Students often find it difficult to grasp fundamental ecological and evolutionary concepts because of their inherently mathematical nature. Likewise, the application of ecological and evolutionary theory often requires a high degree of mathematical competence. This book is a first step to addressing these ...