Special Vision



  • 中文名稱:Special Vision
  • 發行時間:2011年5月26日
  • 歌曲原唱:林美希,王雅潔 
  • 填詞:Stephen Griffin Jr.  
  • 譜曲:張藝 
  • 編曲:甘虎  
  • 製作人:張藝  


歌手林美希畢業於中央民族大學作曲系。出生於音樂世家,父親是作曲家,在《青年毛澤東》 《徽駱駝》等多部電視劇中的擔任主題曲及背景音樂的作曲及編曲。林美希從6歲開始學習鋼琴,10歲在瀋陽音樂學院附國小習長笛,有良好的音樂素養和天賦,因父親是作曲家,更是從小培養了對音樂的熱愛,2003年正式考入中央民族大學音樂中專部,作曲專業,高中的3年師從中央民族大學作曲系前教授、蒙族作曲家“斯仁”老師,另她在作曲方面突飛猛進,創作了很多鋼琴曲及器樂曲。2006年9月正式考入中央民族大學音樂學院作曲系,在大學期間的4年,她一直創作各種各樣風格的作品,包括鋼琴奏鳴曲,小提琴協奏曲,長笛雙重奏及原創歌曲數百首。2010年7月正式畢業。


I saw him when he walked in the club, girl
The way he walked it's like he owned the whole damn world
Right then I knew what I had to do
he was the perfect man for me
Tight dress with your sexy high heels on
I remember girl , damn you were turning him on
He's such an angel like a special vision
he whisper in my ear girl let's go
Come home come home with me
Baby wont you come...on home..with me
Baby wont you come on home with me
Maybe have some wine , spend some time , cuz baby boy is fine
I Listen to the words that you say
because i know it's him that drives you crazy
Lay up on the bed girl i'll hear him say , i make love to your sexy body
Won't you wear your sexy lingerie ,
because i know it's him that drives you crazy
I lay up on the bed now i hear him say ,
why do you torture me this way , it's so good
Pretty smile and those sexy brown eyes see you
He keeps on flirtin' now tell him what you gonna do
He's such an angel like a special vision
He's got me thinking but I don't know
Come home come home with me
Baby wont you come...on home...with me
Baby wont you come on home with me
The boy is asking please can we leave and come home with me
I Listen to the words that you say
Because i know it's him that drives you crazy
Lay up on the bed girl i'll hear him say , i make love to your sexy body
Won't you wear your sexy lingerie ,
because i know it's him that drives you crazy
I lay up on the bed now I hear him say ,
why do you torture me this way , it's so good.


