Sometimes Love Just Ain\x27t Enough

Sometimes Love Just Ain\x27t Enough

《Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough》是美國女歌手Patty Smyth和The Eagles(老鷹樂隊)主唱Don Henley合作的。這個深情對唱的版本在1992年獲得美國Billboard Top 100排行榜6周亞軍,抒情榜4周冠軍,年終榜第22名。新加坡歌手孫燕姿也曾經在自己的專輯《Start自選集》中翻唱過這首歌曲,讓更多聽華語流行曲的年輕一代認識了這首90年代美國經典名曲。


  • 中文名:有時愛就是不足夠
  • 外文名:Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough
  • 原唱:Patty Smyth
  • 風格:浪漫抒情


紐約出生的Patty Smyth在Madonna之前就已經向80年代的婦女們講述該怎么保護自己、該怎么生活。當Patty Smyth和她的第一支樂隊Scandal在1982年以一曲Goodbye to You橫掃北美樂壇的時候,MTV還在萌芽階段。她的成功為後來者例如Alanis Morissette艾拉妮絲·莫莉塞特)等創造了契機,當然還有Sheryl Crow雪兒·克羅)。如果沒有她,甚至就沒有了後來的Lilith Fair。


詞曲: Patty Smyth & Glen Burtnik
歌手: Patty Smyth & Don Henley
I don't wanna lose you,
I don't wanna use you
just to have sombody by my side
And I don't wanna hate you
I don't wanna take you
But I don't wanna be the one to cry
That don't really matter to anyone, anymore
But like a fool I keep losing my place
And I keep seeing you walk through that door
But there's a danger in loving somebody too much
And its sad when you know it's your heart you can't trust
There's a reason why people don't stay where they are
Baby sometimes love just ain't enough
Now I could never change you
I don't wanna blame you
Baby you don't have to take the fall
Yes I may have hurt you
But I did not desert you


