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  • 外文名:Solace
  • 詞性:名詞、及物動詞
  • 英式音標:[ˈsɒləs]
  • 美式音標:[ˈsɑːləs]


英 [ˈsɒləs] 美 [ˈsɑːləs]
n. 安慰;慰藉;安慰之物
vt. 安慰;撫慰;使快樂(過去式 solaced, 過去分詞 solaced, 現在分詞 solacing, 第三人稱單數 solaces)
[ 第三人稱單數 solaces 現在分詞 solacing 過去式 solaced 過去分詞 solaced ]


Quantum of Solace 量子危機
find solace 找到慰籍
seeking solace 尋求安慰
spiritual solace 精神慰藉
last solace 去年安慰 ; 最後的安慰 ; 最後的慰藉
Find solace in music 在音樂中找到安慰 ; 找到安慰的音樂 ; 查找在音樂的慰藉
Solace Dreams 安慰之夢
Lake of Solace 撫心湖


  • They depended on local support of various kinds—for food, shelter, protection, information, guidance and solace—as well as on other resources from elsewhere. 他們依靠當地的各種支持——食物、住所、保護、信息、指導和慰藉——以及來自其他地方的其他資源。
  • She turned to Rob for solace. 她到羅布那兒尋求慰藉。
  • She finds solace of a kind in alcohol. 她在酒精里勉強找到一點安慰。
  • He sought solace in the whisky bottle. 他借酒澆愁。
  • His grandchildren were a solace in his old age. 他晚年從孫兒們身上得到安慰。
  • I found solace in writing when my father died three years ago. 我父親3年前去世時,我從寫作中找到了慰藉。
  • They only provide transient solace. 這樣也只能提供短暫的慰藉。
  • And in Sudan, my burden and solace. 在蘇丹,我忍受痛苦,並找到了安慰。
  • They are they property and the solace of mankind. 他的詩歌是人類的財富和慰藉。
  • Boethius, faced with execution, seeks to find solace for his misfortunes. 面對行刑之際,波伊提烏力圖尋找對於他不幸命運的安慰之物。
  • Sweets, smokes and fried food are, it seems, our solace in hard times. 甜食,煙類,油炸食品好像成了我們困難時刻的救星。
  • Optimists will also find some solace in the IMF's comparative analysis. 樂觀主義者還將從IMF的比對分析中找到些許慰藉。
  • The cinema was closed; "a Quantum of Solace" would not be playing Thursday. 電影院關了門,量子危機被迫停映。
  • It is such composed and visionary thinking that will serve as a solace to Japan. 將會成為對日本的慰藉,這是多么令人感到平靜而美好的觀念。
  • Why should not the guilty ones sooner avail themselves of this unutterable solace? 有負罪感的人為什麼不儘早地讓自己獲得這種難言的慰藉呢?
  • He recently designed the suits for Daniel Craig's James Bond in Quantum of Solace. 不久前公映的《大破量子危機(Quantum of Solace)》中丹尼爾·克雷格版詹姆斯·邦迪的服裝就是由他設計的。
  • At times, everyone seeks solace and also has the means to offer it if they can find a way. 有時候,人人都想得到些許慰藉,並且,如果能夠找到合適的方式,人人也都可以給予別人慰藉。
  • The business of her life was to get her daughters married; its solace was visiting and news. 她生平的大事就是嫁女兒;她生平的安慰就是訪友拜客和打聽新聞。
  • That is another reason for the beleaguered incumbents to seek solace in each other’s embrace. 這也是困境中的企業們從擁抱彼此中尋找安慰的另一個原因。
  • But for those of us who simply seek solace from the psalms, I would highly recommend this book. 但如果你只是想從聖歌中尋找慰藉的的話,此書值得一讀。
  • But then, amid the turmoil, Nur finds solace writing poetry: odes to his homeland and his lost love. 然而在一片混亂之際,努爾在寫詩中找到了安慰:謳歌他的家鄉和他失去的愛情。


