暗影之槍會讓你扮演John Slade的角色,他是銀河系中最有名的賞金獵手。你的任務:抓獲帶領著變種軍團的天才狂人Dr. Edgar Simon。侵入Dr. Edgar Simon的山間堡壘,與Dr. Edgar Simon的個人保鏢進行打鬥,這些保鏢都是人類基因強化的戰鬥型人形怪。暗影之槍要協同高科技武器、宇宙飛船及Slade 的個人機器人助理S.A.R.A.的幫助,並結合高超的戰略戰勝敵人。
- Dr. Simon創造出了各種致命武器,包括各個級別的大魔頭、突變怪物、殺人機器,以及更多!要從這些敵人的猛攻中生存下來。
One of the best-looking mobile games ever created
☣ Only for NVIDIA Tegra 3 Powered Devices. ☣
The Tegra 3-optimized version of Shadowgun features console-quality water, enhanced rag-doll physics, particle effects, enhanced shaders and dynamic textures. These are only possible using Tegra 3's multi-core capabilities, and they make for a truly immersive and realistic gaming experience.
The year is 2350, and corrupt intergalactic corporations are the rule of law, hiring bounty hunters and mercs to do their bidding. The best of the best are known as SHADOWGUNS.
SHADOWGUN puts you into the role of John Slade, the galaxy’s most infamous bounty hunter. Your mission: hunt down Dr. Edgar Simon, maniacal genius and leader of his own mutant army. Infiltrate Dr. Simon’s mountain fortress and fight his personal guard of cyborgs, battle droids, and genetically-enhanced humanoids. Using state-of-the-art weaponry, ships, and the assistance of S.A.R.A.—Slade’s personal android assistant—SHADOWGUN combines intense tactical combat with 3rd person action.