Shadow Team是遊戲中的角色之一,所屬陣營是Nod。
- 中文名:Shadow Team
- 生產成本:800塊
- 生產時間:8秒
- 所屬陣營:Nod
角色 | 特種部隊 |
武器 | 兩把帶有光學瞄準鏡的手槍,滑翔翼,遙控炸彈包(其實就是即時炸彈) |
防禦系統 | 光學隱身護甲 |
生產建築 | Nod之手 |
功能 | |
特殊能力 | 滑翔,隱形,遙控炸彈(兩發可炸電廠),部署火炮信標 |
“ | The wings of Nod.(nod之翼) - 影子小隊 | ” |
影子小隊曾被像忍者那樣訓練他們那傑出的隱身和滲透能力。就像他們著名的祖先,影子小隊能夠看似從無到有以閃電般的速度移動,通常以四人一組。也許這就是他們被訓練隱身的原因。影子小隊身著全套由有機玻璃製成的人體力學輕型防彈衣、頭盔和呼吸器。裝甲裝備可摺疊的動力滑翔翼,給予他們飛行的能力。在戰鬥中,他們揮舞兩把全自動手槍,迅速幹掉敵軍步兵。他們還攜帶一種特殊的炸藥,可以破壞敵軍建築中重要的結構,這種武器是Nod間諜從GDI實驗室偷來的。 GDI,在影子小隊部署後不久,就開始實行了一些邊境安全措施,特別是影子小隊的情報工作。在認識到有狙擊手引導的神像的效力後,Nod給影子小隊裝備了特殊的人工信標,這些信標可以讓幽魂火炮釋放毀滅性的彈幕攻擊。影子小隊也可以在飛行中釋放信標。 雖然很強力,影子小隊也有幾個弱點。首先,在滑翔時他們無法保護自己,同時有反隱和防空能力的單位可以很快解決掉他們。第二,雖然打步兵很快,他們攜帶的衝鋒鎗對絕大多數載具無效。這種槍射程不遠。如果他們的目標沒被清除,因為缺少護甲,影子小隊也會陷入危險。狙擊手和機械蜂也很擅長消滅他們。 歷史在前兩次泰伯利亞戰爭中Nod隱形步兵就已經存在了。在第一次泰伯利亞戰爭中,Nod讓黑手精英步兵穿上隱形服作戰。他們成為了GDI的一大危險敵人。二次泰戰中Nod在特殊任務中使用了"變色龍"間諜。在火線危機以後Nod利用了這些先前的效果創造出了影子小隊。凱恩在他的親信AI Legion指揮的奪回GDI的科技和離子炮計畫的戰役時部署了幾隊影子小隊來完成任務。(就是凱恩之怒第五關啦)遊戲中的單位影子小隊很脆弱,需要你的幫助。你可以通過展開來幫助他們。詳情請看討論頁。影子小隊與狙擊手很相像,比如克步兵,隱形,像是自己的武器的觀察員一樣(這句不知道什麼意思。。亂翻。。),需要步兵科技中心。影子小隊適合連打帶跑戰術。他們可以潛入敵方基地摧毀重要建築比如電廠和重工。不像ZT這種萬金油,他們需要的是創造性的打法。
In-Game Unit
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They Shadow Teams are comparable to the GDI Sniper Teams in ways such as their strong damage towards infantry, their stealth, acting as spotters for their respective artillery pieces and their Tech tree requirements of an infantry Tech Center. Shadow Teams are excellent for hit and run tactics, as they can slip into enemy bases and take down key structures such as power plants and war factories. They are not nearly as resilient as Zone Raider or other heavy infantry, and should be used inventively.
Very fast infantry unit, capable of evading most vehicles and infantry with ease. Carry explosives that can damage or destroy key structures Machine Pistols give them the ability to kill most types of infantry in mere seconds, including commando's Gliders enable Shadow Teams to attack from otherwise inexcessible routes. Excellent for scouting and placing beacons for Specter artillery strikes.
Machine pistols are utterly useless against heavily armored vehicles and structures. Shadow Team explosives do a set damage rather than instantly kill structures like Commandos' Explosives, so may require multiple uses. Shadow Team explosives have a cooldown. Very weak armor, only takes a few seconds to cut a shadow team down. Very vulnerable to snipers and other stealth detection systems. Stronger Infantry can take and do damage more quickly, and more numerous infantry can overwhelm them. Helpless when using gliders against anti-air defenses. Unable to take out walkers with explosives Very small squads at a max of four per squad. Expensive(800 credits)