Sarah Reader,演員,主要作品《完美尤物》。
- 外文名:Sarah Reader
- 職業:演員
- 代表作品:《完美尤物》
時間 | 名稱 | 備註 |
2008年 | 《完美尤物》 | 演員 |
Sarah Reader,演員,主要作品《完美尤物》。
時間 | 名稱 | 備註 |
2008年 | 《完美尤物》 | 演員 |
《元化擴散:薩拉·馬哈拉吉讀本》是2013年上海人民出版社出版的書籍,作者是張頌仁、陳光興。內容簡介 再訪天竺 自明中土 在想像世界版圖的“西方”時,尚有一個離感官更遠而腳程更近的“西天”。中國須要深切思考印度、親近印度是為了自明。★直白品評當代視覺藝術的經典作品 一場繽紛斑斕的超現實主義體驗 ★理察...
麥克法蘭還有 一個妹妹。婚姻家庭 艾倫·麥克法蘭的妻子的名字是薩拉(Sarah Har rison)。人物評價 “艾倫·麥克法蘭在劍橋大學工作和生活四十餘載,堪稱牛橋體系的絕妙觀察家和論說家。”(中國高等藝術教育研究院評)“艾倫·麥克法蘭是運用數位化記錄保護文化遺產的先驅。”(工業和信息化部工業文化發展中心評)
測試材料:《瑪麗有隻小羊羔》(只有第1節和第2節),Sarah Josepha Hale著 結果:在第1節中提到的“Mary”變成了“Freddy”,在第2節中的“她”變成了“他”────────測試材料:《瑪麗有隻小羊羔》(完整版),Sarah Josepha Hale著 結果:第1節和第2節現在沒有發生改變,在第4節中提到的“熱切...
《Color and the Moving Image》是2012年Routledge出版的圖書,作者是Brown, Simon、Street, Sarah、Watkins, Liz。內容簡介 This new AFI Film Reader is the first comprehensive collection of original essays on the use of color in film. Contributors from diverse film studies backgrounds consider the ...
his sister Margaret the truth concerning their father's background, and how he died. In so doing she believed she was acting in her children's best interests, but now she regrets it, and wants to share all the details with them before it is too late. Fraser's older daughter, Sarah, ...
readable counterfactual novel, reminding us that America's Christian fundamentalists have been consistently clear about their vision for a "Christian Nation" and dead serious about acquiring the political power to achieve it. When President McCain dies and Sarah Palin becomes president, the reader, ...
publications. Her essays appeared in Best American Essays 2003 and the 2003 Pushcart Anthology. Cohen has received fellowships from the New York Foundation for the Arts and the MacDowell Colony, and won the 2003 PEN/Jerard Fund Award for the manu* of A Chance Meeting. She teaches at Sarah ...