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  • 外文名:Sage
  • 詞性:形容詞、名詞
  • 英式音標:[seɪdʒ]
  • 美式音標:[seɪdʒ]


英 [seɪdʒ] 美 [seɪdʒ]
n. <正式>智者,聖賢;鼠尾草(葉子用於烹飪);淺灰綠色
adj. 睿智的,賢明的
【名】 (Sage)(日)三下(姓);(英)塞奇,(意)薩傑,(德)扎格,(法)薩熱(人名)
[ 複數 sages 比較級 sager或more sage 最高級 sagest或most sage ]


Clary Sage 鼠尾草 ; 快樂鼠尾草精油 ; 鼠菊草
Clary Sage Oil 鼠尾草 ; 香紫蘇油 ; 香鼠尾草油 ; 快樂鼠尾草油
Sage Extract 鼠尾草萃取 ; 鼠尾草精華 ; 鼠尾草 ; 鼠尾草萃取液
Chinese Sage Herb 石見穿 ; 石見穿粉末 ; 紫參
sage GREen 灰綠色 ; 灰綠 ; 靈山綠
Common Sage Herb 荔枝草


  • Not everybody is a sage. Who can be entirely free from error? 人非聖賢,孰能無過?
  • You braided dried sage and burned it to cleanse your energy field. 你編織乾燥的鼠尾草並燃燒它來淨化你的能量場。
  • We've had Lincoln as manic-depressive, the business sage, and the stoic philosopher. 林肯是躁狂抑鬱症患者、商業智者,也是堅韌的哲學家。
  • "Universal history, the history of what man has accomplished in this world, is at bottom the History of the Great Men who have worked here," wrote the Victorian sage Thomas Carlyle. 維多利亞時代的聖人托馬斯·卡萊爾寫道:“通史,即人類在這個世界上取得的成就的歷史,本質上就是在此努力過的偉人的歷史。”
  • In Europe before fridges appeared, people used sage to keep food. 在冰櫃出現之前的歐洲,人們用鼠尾草來保存食物。
  • Sage has been used to treat colds, stop muscle problems and reduce swelling. 鼠尾草已被套用於治療感冒和肌肉問題以及消除腫脹。
  • Wu Daozi was known as the Sage of Painting for his unique painting style. 吳道子因其獨特的畫風被譽為“畫聖”。
  • In fact, sage comes from the Latin word "salvere", which means "to be saved". 事實上,“sage” 一詞來源於拉丁語 “salvere”,意思是“被拯救”。
  • Sage (鼠尾草) is one of the most useful plants in the world. 鼠尾草是世界上最有用的植物之一。
  • The Talmud adds that the sage Reb Meir Baal HaNess was a prominent supporter of the Bar Kokhba rebellion against Roman rule. 塔木德書記補充說,聖人雷布·梅爾·巴爾·哈尼斯(Reb Meir Baal HaNess)是巴爾·科赫巴(Bar Kokhba)叛亂反對羅馬統治的傑出支持者。
  • You are not the office sage. 你不是什麼辦公室智者。
  • He became a writer and sage. 他成了一名作家兼哲學家。
  • “No thanks, ” says the sage. 不了,謝謝!
  • Brew a cup of sage tea. 泡一杯鼠尾草茶。
  • That is, we have our Eastern sage too? 你們西方有科學巨人,我們也有我們東方的聖人!
  • The assassinated sage. 一個被害的哲人而已。
  • The sage has one advantage: he is immortal. 但是智者有一個優勢,即智慧長存。
  • Bronson Alcott, the "Sage of Concord." her. 她是“康科德的聖人”A.布朗森·奧爾科特的女兒。
  • His mien was that of the sage, not the killer. 他有著聖人般的風範,毫無殺手的暴戾之氣。
  • Binder is a man of rare wisdom — a testing sage. Binder是一位少有的天才人物——一個測試聖人。
  • How could my sage advice be "put down" so quickly? 我明智地建議怎么能這么快就被放到一邊去?
  • Benevolent and wise - Master, you ARE a Sage. 仁且智,夫子既聖矣!
  • They were, doubtless, good men, just, and sage. 不消說,他們都是為人聖潔、主持正義的好人。
  • He has become the Sage and Monarch of the age of Reason. 他已成為理性時代的智者和君王。
  • Then the king sent for another sage to interpret his dream. 國王又下令找來另一位智者,為其解夢。
  • The wise sage seemed very surprised by this and asked. 看到這些,智者非常驚訝,他問道。
  • They used to contain corpses; now sage and wallflowers grow in them. 它們以前是用來裝殮屍體的;而現在鼠尾草和桂足香在其中生長。
  • Sage advice, I thought, as I was working on an important project. 我在忙著一重要項目時,心想,這真是金玉良言啊。
  • He was a genuine sage, but he always sat among the ordinary people. 他是真正的聖者,卻又坐在我們普通人當中。


