- 作品名稱:STANCES
- 作者:普希金
- 創作年代:近代
- 出處:《普希金文集》
- 作品體裁:詩歌
Stances de Dzyan, Les 《Stances de Dzyan, Les》是由Hervé Joseph Lebrun執導的電影,由Hélèna Pétrowna Blavatsky擔任編劇,Thomas Dragone主演。職員表 演員表
《Stances A Un Cambrioleur》是Georges Brassens演唱的歌曲,由Georges Brassens作詞,收錄於專輯《Intégrale des albums originaux》。歌曲歌詞 Prince des monte en l'air et de la cambriole Toi qui eus le bon goût de choisir...
《鐵馬尋橋》(A Fistful of Stances),香港電視廣播有限公司出品,由李添勝導演,張華標、陳靜儀聯合編劇,鄭嘉穎、元秋、馬國明、李施嬅、唐詩詠、林嘉華領銜主演。該劇講述了失散多年的顧汝章(鄭嘉穎飾)和一家人團聚後,一起重振武林,...
Circimstances was her charms or just a wine Would it happen again if we had enough chances Or would we even want each other under different circumstances What is done is over and just a memory The night they set a...
Epistemic and affective stances are both socially situated and socially consequential, as will be explored below. Speech is always produced and interpreted within a sociolinguistic matrix: that is, speakers make sociolinguistic...