- 中文名:Sol-Gel
- 前驅物 : 所用的起始原料
- 金屬醇鹽:有機醇羥基上的氫被金屬取代
- 溶膠 Sol:是具有液體特徵的膠體體系
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, Materials Science and Engineering B, Journal of Electronic Materials, Physica Status Solidi (RRL) - Rapid ...
Lu,R.J. Hong, Hydrophobic, ultra-low refractive index films prepared by sol-gel process, Materials Letters, 2016, 184: 305-307. H. X. Zhang,R.J...
11 Xiao Hanning(肖漢寧),Du Hai-qing(杜海清),Thermodynamic behaviour in synthisis of SiC powder by sol-gel processing, China’s Refractories, 1993...
1. 敏感材料及元器件研究採用Pechini法、sol-gel法、共沉澱法、微波水熱法製備納米級多元氧化物粉體,採用常規燒結、微波燒結成瓷。重點研究極端環境下套用的溫度...
C. Zhou, Structure and electrical properties of Bi3.15Nd0.85Ti3O12 nanofibers synthesized by electrospinning and sol-gel method, Applied Physics Letters,...
20、Fenyan Li, Yanjun Xing, Xin Ding,Characterization of papain conformation in sol-gel as measured by UV-Vis and FTIR spectroscopy, Proceedings of 2007...
Characterization of (100)-Oriented BiScO3-PbTiO3 Thin Films Synthesized by a Modified Sol-Gel Method. Appl. Phys. Lett., 2006, 88: 222904...
Microstructure evolution of sol-gel HA films. Applied Surface Science. 2011, 257(7), 2592-2598 ( Sci、Ei收錄) (IF:1.616)...
獲上海市教學成果獎, 在中國化學,高等學校化學學報,中國化學快報,物理化學學報,無機化學學報,J Phys Chem C, Carbon, Chem Lett, J Sol-Gel Sci Tech, ...
Electrical Properties of Nanocrystalline CeO2–Y2O3Thin Films Prepared by the Sol-Gel Method, Inorganic Materials, Vol. 39, No. 7, 2003: 720–724....
1、Hartwig Hoecker Permanent Finishing of UV Protecting Textiles with Nano-Particles by Using the Sol-Gel Technique, DWI Reports, 2003...
2.Preparation and characterization of CexTh1-xO2 solid solution prepared by SOL-Gel method,Journal of the Chinese Rare Earth Society 2005...
3. Zhao SX, Liu HX, Li Q, Ouyang SX ,Synthesis and structure transformation of orthorhombic LiMnO2 cathode materials by sol-gel method, Journal of ...
[2] Collected Research Papers (volume 4): Rare-earth Doped Oxides for Optoelectronics Prepared by Sol-gel Methods (2001-2007)(14 papers)....
已發表刊物論文40餘篇,其中在國外重要刊物“Applied Physics Letters”、“Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electrics”、“Journal of Sol-gel Science ...
(5) Haoshuang Gu, Kansong Chen, Yongming Hu, Structure and optical properties of 0.1BiFeO3-0.9SrBi2Nb2O9 thin films using a modified sol-gel ...
主要社會兼職: 任 Journal of Sol-Gel Science & Technology期刊的副主編、過程工程學報副主編、中國顆粒學報專業編審、中國顆粒協會理事、中國矽酸鹽協會高技術陶瓷...
《Preparation of Three-dimensionally Ordered Macroporous Oxides by Combining Templating Method with Sol–Gel Technique》,《Chemistry Letters》, 2007年第4期, ...
5. Jiang DC, Tang J, Liu BH, Yang PY, Kong JL* Ultrathin alumina sol-gel-derived films: Allowing direct detection of the liver fibrosis markers by...
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 2008, 46(2): 195-200.[4] 孟祥福,王健春,曹勝利,張世民,陽明書. 可光降解聚丙烯/黏土納米複合物的製備與表征...
在國際、國內學術會議以及期刊雜誌上就 Sol-Gel 工藝制膜、拉制纖維,陶瓷凝膠注模成型,玻璃表面裝飾處理、玻璃製品缺陷的形成,高矽氧耐火製品研製,高性能熔石英...