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  • 外文名:SODA
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式音標:[ˈsəʊdə]
  • 美式音標:[ˈsoʊdə]


英 [ˈsəʊdə] 美 [ˈsoʊdə]
n. 蘇打;碳酸水
n. (Soda)人名;(意)索達;(日)曾田(姓)
[ 複數 sodas ]


caustic soda [化]苛性鈉;氫氧化鈉
soda ash 碳酸鈉,蘇打粉
baking soda [化]小蘇打;碳酸氫鈉;發酵粉
soda water 蘇打水,汽水
soda solution 蘇打溶液;鹼液
soda pop 汽水
soda fountain 冷飲櫃檯,冷飲小賣部
club soda 蘇打水(等於soda water)
diet soda 無糖汽水;無糖飲料
orange soda 橙汁汽水;桔子汽水
soda lye 鹼液


  • She quickly gulped her soda. 她很快地把汽水一飲而盡。
  • He had an ice-cream soda. 他喝了一杯冰激凌果味汽水。
  • The soda was warm and had gone flat. 這汽水是溫的,已走了氣。
  • There was more whisky in it than soda. 那裡面的威士忌比蘇打水多。
  • Beer and soda pop are served before the bus departs. 公共汽車出發前有啤酒和汽水供應。
  • But soda past its expiration date goes flat and loses much of its taste. 但是過期的蘇打水跑氣,味道也會大打折扣。
  • The machine used to sell soda water. 這個機器以前是出售蘇打水的。
  • He can only drink a small glass of soda per week. 每周只能喝一小杯蘇打汽水。
  • You have a choice of a small, medium or large soda. 你可以選擇小杯、中杯或大杯汽水。
  • You're sitting there with your cup of very cold soda in your hands. 你手裡還拿著冰鎮的蘇打水坐在那裡。
  • Most Americans don't drink soda out of the glass bottles seen in Coke's ads anymore. 大多數美國人都不再使用可口可樂廣告中看到的玻璃瓶來喝汽水了。
  • As it grew more popular, the company sold rights to bottle the soda, so it could travel easily. 隨著它越來越受歡迎,該公司出售了汽水的瓶裝權,因此它的運輸變得更加便捷。
  • Though cocoa seed is not an ingredient of the soda, they designed their bottle based on the seed's shape and large middle. 雖然可可種子不是這款蘇打水的一種原料,但他們根據種子的形狀和中間部分比較大的特點設計了瓶子。
  • The Tanzanian government has once again started mining the lake for soda ash, used for making chemicals, glass and detergents. 坦尚尼亞政府再次開始在湖中開採純鹼,用於製造化學品、玻璃和洗滌劑。
  • At worst, they'll think the messages about soda are the same as the messages about water, but those two beverages aren't the same. 最糟糕的情況是,他們會認為關於蘇打水的信息和關於水的信息是相同的,但這兩種飲料是不一樣的。
  • The fifth largest city in the US passed a significant soda tax proposal that will levy 1.5 cents per liquid ounce on distributors. 美國第五大城市通過了一項重要的蘇打稅提案,對每液體盎司的蘇打,分銷商將繳納1.5美分的稅。
  • Glass, which has been made since the time of the Mesopotamians and Egyptians, is little more than a mixture of sand, soda ash and lime. 自從美索不達米亞和埃及時代以來,玻璃就已經被製造出來了,它只不過是沙子、蘇打灰和石灰的混合物。
  • French fries, washed down with a pint of soda, are a favorite part of fast-food lunches and dinners for millions of American youngsters. 將炸薯條和一品脫蘇打水一起吞下,是數百萬美國年輕人在快餐午飯和晚飯中最喜歡的環節。
  • There's a third option, a medium soda for $5.25. Medium may be the perfect amount of soda for you, but the large is only a quarter more. 還有第三種選擇,一份中杯蘇打水5.25美元。中杯也許對你來說是最完美的選擇,但大杯只貴了四分之一。
  • Soda residues can favorable improve acidity soil, and have obvious increase in production of lichee, kidney bean, tomato and sweet potato. 鹼渣對酸性土壤有良好的改良作用,對荔枝、芸豆、番茄、番薯產量有明顯提高。
  • Calories in soda, coffee, tea, alcohol, juice and other beverages are very sneaky, because you don't realize how many calories you drink a day. 蘇打水、咖啡、茶飲料、酒精、和果汁等等飲料很卑鄙,因為你不知道自己喝進多少熱量。
  • The Jelly Belly was created in Los Angeles with just eight flavors: cherry, lemon, cream soda, tangerine, green apple, root beer, grape and licorice. 吉百利在洛杉磯面世,只有八種口味:櫻桃、檸檬、奶油蘇打、橘子、青蘋果、沙士、葡萄和甘草。
  • But one thing the study did investigate was the amount of milk and soda drinks that were wasted, and I think it was probably quite unique in that respect. 但是這項研究調查的其中一項內容是被浪費的牛奶和蘇打飲料的數量,我認為這方面可能是它獨有的。
  • The unsweetened yogurt is featured by a slight hint of effervescence, something most users will have previously associated only with mineral waters, soda or beer. 這種不加糖的優酪乳有一點氣泡的味道,大多數用戶以前只會把它與礦泉水、蘇打水或啤酒聯繫起來。
  • While the city council vote was met with applause inside the council room, opponents to the measure, including soda lobbyists, made sharp criticisms and a promise to challenge the tax in court. 儘管市議會的投票在議會大廳里贏得了掌聲,但這項措施的反對者,包括蘇打水遊說者,提出了尖銳的批評,並承諾將在法庭上對這項稅收提出質疑。
  • While the city council vote was met with applause inside the council room, opponents to the measure, including soda lobbyists, made sharp criticisms and a promise to challenge the tax in court. 儘管市議會的投票在議會會議室里得到了掌聲,但包括蘇打水一方請來的說客在內的法案反對者們對該法案提出了尖銳的批評,並承諾將在法庭上對這項徵稅提出質疑。
  • He bought me a soda pop. 他給我買了一瓶汽水。
  • Order me a soda, I'm dying of thirst. 給我要杯汽水,我快渴死了。
  • She grabbed a can of soda out of the refrigerator. 她從冰櫃里取出一罐汽水。
  • Baking powder and baking soda make the cake rise. 發酵粉和小蘇打可以使蛋糕發酵。


