《River Bank》是Brad Paisley演唱的歌曲。
- 歌曲:River Bank
- 語種:英語
- 發行日期:2014年08月25日
- 歌手:Brad Paisley
- 所屬專輯:Moonshine in the Trunk
《River Bank》是Brad Paisley演唱的歌曲。
《River Bank》是Brad Paisley演唱的歌曲。歌詞 River Bank - Brad Paisley Well, I won two dollars on a scratch off ticket,So I went back to the counter and I bought two more with it.And I won ten bucks and that ...
river bank 河岸;河堤 cross the river ◎渡河 , ◎死 by the river 在河邊 river mouth 河口 mississippi river 密西西比河 songhua river 松花江 river channel 河道;河槽;船舶航道 river system 河川系統;河道網 雙語例句 1His...
The River Bank 《The River Bank》是1999年Harry N Abrams出版的圖書,作者是Maxwell K. Hearn / Wen C. Fong。
2009年,中國農業銀行河口支行認真落實省、市行年初工作會議精神,面對複雜外部環境,拚博進取,以加快業務有效發展為主題,實施經營戰略轉型,深化用人機制改革,強化全面風險管理,實現各項業務又好又快發展。基本概況 【業務經營】(1)...
27The bank sloped down sharply to the river.那座堤岸陡峭地朝著那條河傾斜下去。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》28Millions were deposited in Swiss bank accounts.巨額款項存入了瑞士的銀行賬戶。《牛津詞典》29The bank refused further ...
〖riverside;river-bank〗河流的邊 在河岸上水僅部分地被排掉 河北梆子 Héběibāngzi 〖alocaloperaofHebeiprovince〗一種河北地方戲曲劇種,屬梆子腔。另見“梆子腔”河邊 hébiān 〖riverbank〗∶靠近河流的地方 〖riverside〗∶河畔,...
河流總管 River Warlord 甘比亞民歌 Gambia Folk Song 波斯 Persian 大流士一世 Darius I 長生軍 Immortal 長矛兵 Spearman 波斯波利斯 Persepolis 總督府 Satrap's Court 銀行 Bank - 阿契美尼德遺產 Archaemenid Legacy 黎明鳥 ...
(4)〈名〉通“浦”。水涯,水邊[river bank]儲與乎大溥,聊浪乎宇內。——《漢書·揚雄傳上》(5)〈動〉通“敷”。分布 《禮記·祭義》溥(fū)之而橫乎四海。古籍解釋 說文解字 【卷十一】【水部】溥 大也。從水尃聲...
Shore](雙碟版disc2)A.J.Alex&Tara鋼琴即興聯彈 岸與水的意象I 岸與水的意象II 岸與水的意象III Image of flowing water and river bank I\II\III 多媒體音頻:空靈岸演示樂器分軌 多媒體MV:伽羅空 多媒體MV:酉時鐘 ...
That river was cold but we gave love a chance Yeah yeah for me You don't look a day over Fast Cars and Freedom That sunset river bank first time feeling Yeah smile and shake your head as if you don't believe ...
3.《In The Alone》4.《No Fucking Lies》5.《I Like Doing It In This Way》6.《Bloody River Bank》7.《Dark Moon》8.《pursue》9.《Confusion》10.《Hate》11.《Bumptious》12.《Gloomy Walker》13.Demo《Heavy Pressure》
Had my fill on the river bank with you by my side What have I done What have I done Cant be long to the setting of the sun No it cant be long now to the setting of the sun Maybe then Ill see maybe then ...
And the river bank talks of the waters of March It's the end of the strain it's the joy in your heart It's the joy in your heart The foot the ground the flesh and the bone The beat of the...