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  • 外文名:Risky
  • 詞性:形容詞
  • 英式音標:[ˈrɪski]
  • 美式音標:[ˈrɪski]


英 [ˈrɪski] 美 [ˈrɪski]
adj. 有危險的,有風險的;有傷風化的,近乎淫穢的
[ 比較級 riskier或more risky 最高級 riskiest或most risky ]


Risky Business 危險的行業 ; 危險的交易
Risky Rider 極限機車 ; 危險摩托 ; 極限摩托 ; 危險特技機車
risky shift 風險轉移 ; 冒險轉移 ; 風險偏移 ; 風險的轉移
Risky Rescue 危急營救 ; 冒險營救 ; 危險的營救
the risky decision 冒險的決定
risky assets 風險資產
risky loans 有風險貸款


  • 1Investing in airlines is a very risky business.投資航空公司是非常冒險的生意。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2He was known for risky tactics that ranged from audacious to outrageous.他以大膽甚至是駭人聽聞的冒險戰術而聞名。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3There was a dicey moment as one of our party made a risky climb up the cliff wall.當我們一位隊友在絕壁上進行冒險攀爬時,出現了危險的一刻。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4People everywhere make decisions about risky situations this way.各地的人們都以這種方式而在危險的情況下做出決定。
  • 5They told me that I had to study for a degree so that I would achieve a career, and not something as risky as writing.他們告訴我,我必須完成一個學位,這樣才能獲得一份職業,而不是從事像寫作這樣冒險的工作。
  • 6Certainly it distinguished them from their ancestors, but what gave them the courage to launch out on such risky voyages?當然,這使他們有別於他們的祖先,但是什麼讓他們有勇氣進行如此冒險的航行呢?
  • 7In Germany, being on time is risky enough because your hosts will probably already be there waiting, wondering how on earth you could be so stupid.在德國,準時赴約已經夠危險的了,因為你的東道主可能已經在那裡等了,好奇你怎么會這么笨。
  • 8This shows that teens may find it more difficult to control risky behavior when their friends are around, or in situations where they are extremely angry.這表明,當他們的朋友在身邊,或者在他們極度憤怒的情況下,青少年會發現更難控制危險行為。
  • 9Their risky behaviors—drinking too much alcohol, using illegal drugs, smoking cigarettes and skipping school—can alert parents and teachers that serious problems are brewing.他們酗酒、吸毒、吸菸和逃學的危險行為可以提醒家長和老師,嚴重的問題正在發酵。
  • 10Horse breeding is indeed a risky enterprise.養馬的確是一項有風險的事業。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 11"Don't do anything yet," he warned. "Too risky."“先別行動,”他警告道,“太冒險了。”《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 12It was a risky operation, but might buy more time.這是一項冒險的舉動,但也許能換得更多的時間。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 13It's far too risky to generalize from one set of results.僅根據一組結果進行概括是十分不可靠的。《牛津詞典》
  • 14It was wrong to venture his financial security on such a risky deal.他以自己穩定的財政作賭注去做風險這么大的交易是錯誤的。《牛津詞典》
  • 15Heavy reliance on one client is risky when you are building up a business.創業時過分依賴某一個客戶是有風險的。《牛津詞典》
  • 16The banks made too many risky loans which now can't be repaid, and they speculated in property whose value has now dropped.銀行貸出了太多現在無法償還的風險貸款,而且他們在房地產業做了投機買賣,其價值目前也已經下跌。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 17Higher pushchairs are more risky for kids.更高的嬰兒車對孩子來說更危險。
  • 18Why do people enjoy risky activities like these?為什麼人們喜歡這樣的冒險活動?
  • 19It is risky if they are let out online.如果它們被發布在網上,就會有風險。
  • 20She calculated that going to a stranger's house was a risky move, but she decided to take the chance.她估計,去一個陌生人的家是一個冒險的舉動,但她還是決定抓住這個機會。
  • 21My parents were relieved that I was unhurt, but they were angry that I had done such a risky thing.我的父母因為我沒有受傷而鬆了一口氣,但他們對我做了這么危險的事情感到憤怒。
  • 22When people do something new or risky, a chemical (化學物質) in the brain creates a pleasant feeling.人們嘗試新鮮事物或是冒險性舉動時,大腦中的某種化學物質會讓人產生愉快感。
  • 23"Although the job is challenging, risky and dangerous, there is nothing more I would rather do," Jing Haipeng, 50, who is commander of this mission, told reporters.50歲的景海鵬是這項任務的指揮官,他告訴記者:“雖然這項工作具有挑戰性、風險性和危險性,但我沒有其他更願意做的事了。”
  • 24Predicting the future is always risky.預測未來總是有風險的。
  • 25Right now it's too risky for them to lend me money.現在他們借錢給我的風險太大了。
  • 26Finally some people say it is too risky to implement complicated voting technology nationwide.最後,一些人認為在全國範圍內運用複雜的投票技術風險太大。
  • 27Some people believe that it is too risky to implement complicated voting technology nationwide.一些人認為在全國範圍內實施複雜的投票技術風險太大。
  • 28People should undertake risky action only after they have carefully considered its consequences.人們只有在仔細考慮過風險行為的後果後,才應該採取冒險行動。
  • 29At times of trouble, they will retreat from risky assets such as hedge funds and into cash and government bonds.在困難時期,他們會從對沖基金等風險資產中撤出,轉向現金和政府債券。
  • 30After the failure of Lehman Brothers, many of the world's largest banks feared the worst as the collapse of the housing bubble exposed investments in risky loans.在雷曼兄弟破產後,許多全球最大的銀行都曾擔心出現最糟糕的情況,因為房地產泡沫的破裂暴露了它們在高風險貸款方面的投資。


