核糖體失活蛋白家族(Ribosome-inactivating protein, RIPs)自然界主要分布在植物中,在真菌、細菌中也有發現,甚至還從一種藻類中分離得到。
- 中文名:核糖體失活蛋白家族
- 外文名:RIPs
- 分類:酶
- 作用:誘導核糖體不可逆的失活
RIPs | REACH Implementation Projects | REACH實施項目 |
RIP 1 | REACH Process Description: Development of a detailed description of the REACH processes | 過程描述 |
RIP 2 | REACH-IT: Development of the IT system set up to support REACH implementation | 開發專用網際網路系統(IUCLID國際標準化學信息資料庫和REACH-IT系統) |
RIP 3 | Guidance Documents: Development of guidance documents for industry | 企業指南檔案的開發 附: 1. Timelines and Obligations 2. Overview 3. Demonstrating safe use of chemicals 4. Industry contributions to RIPs 5. How Industry can Prepare for REACH |
RIP 3.1 | Registration dossier | 註冊卷宗開發指南 |
RIP 3.2 | Chemical safety report and SDS | 化學安全評估報告開發TGD* |
RIP 3.3 | Information Requirements on Intrinsic Properties of substances | 關於物質固有屬性的信息要求 |
RIP 3.4 | on Data sharing | 數據共享TGD |
RIP 3.5 | Downstream-User Requirements | 下游用戶指南 |
RIP 3.6 | Guidance on (C&L) under GHS | GHS框架下分類與標記指南 |
RIP 3.7 | Authorisations | 許可申請指南 |
RIP 3.8 | Substances in Articles | 製成品中的物質 |
RIP 3.9 | Socio-economic analyses | SEA社會經濟效益分分析開發指南 |
RIP3.10 | Substance Identity | 化學物質命名與識別 |
RIP 4 | Guidance Documents: Development of guidance documents for authorities | 管理當局指南檔案 |
RIP 4.1 | Dossier Evaluation | 卷宗評估指南 |
RIP 4.2 | Substance Evaluation | 化學物質 |
RIP 4.3 | Inclusion of Substances into Annex XIII (list of substances subject to Authorisation) | 附屬檔案XIV所列物質清單 |
RIP 4.4 | Preparation of Annex XIV Dossiers | 附屬檔案XV卷宗籌備 |
RIP 4.5 | Priority Setting for Evaluation | 評估的優評估指南 |
RIP 5/6 | Setting up the Agency | 建立管理局 |
RIP 7 | 歐委會新增任務 |