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RAFT,英語單詞,主要用作名詞動詞。作名詞時譯為“木排,木筏; 橡皮艇,充氣船”,作動詞時譯為“乘坐筏子,用筏子運送”等。


  • 外文名:RAFT
  • 詞性:名詞、動詞
  • 發音:[ræft]


英 [rɑːft] 美 [ræft]
n. 木排,木筏; 橡皮艇,充氣船;(游泳、跳水的)浮台;大量,許多;(樹木、草木或冰塊等一堆)漂浮物;大群遊動的水鳥(或哺乳動物);浮筏基礎,格床基礎
v. 乘坐筏子(渡河),用筏子運送;(浮冰)隨浮冰流淌;將(船或其他物體)並排連為一體
【名】 (Raft)(匈、瑞典)拉夫特(人名)
[ 複數 rafts 第三人稱單數 rafts 現在分詞 rafting 過去式 rafted 過去分詞 rafted ]


raft foundation 筏式地基,板式基礎
life raft 救生筏
bamboo raft 竹筏;竹排
buoyancy raft 浮筏地基 ; 浮筏基礎 ; 浮式基礎 ; 浮式基
The Raft 漂流筏 ; 救生筏
bubble raft model 泡筏模型
solid raft 實體筏基 ; 實心磚
raft bridge [交] 浮橋
The Raft Trip 木筏之旅


  • Several logs had been lashed together to make a raft. 幾根原木綑紮在一起做成了木筏。
  • "Are you sure the raft is safe?" she asked anxiously. "Couldn't be safer," Max assured her confidently. “你確定這筏子安全嗎?”她不安地問。“再安全不過了,”馬克斯自信地向她保證。
  • My raft helps me cross the ocean of life. 我的木筏幫助我橫渡生命的海洋。
  • Now the raft was passing before the distant town. 現在木筏子正從那個遙遠的小鎮前面駛過。
  • There was a small log raft there which they meant to capture. 那裡有一個小木筏,他們打算抓住它。
  • We tied a rope between the raft and the dinghy. After all, if the dinghy drifted away from the raft, the consequences would be very serious. 我們在筏子和小船之間系了一根繩子,畢竟,一旦小船漂離了筏子的話,後果會很嚴重。
  • The crew spent two days and nights in their raft. 船員們在他們的小充氣船上度過了兩天兩夜。
  • They clambered back under the falls to detach the raft from a jagged rock. 他們爬回到瀑布下面以便將卡在鋸齒狀岩石間的小艇拉出來。
  • If you was to go to Europe you'd see a raft of 'em hopping around. 要是你上歐洲去,你就能看到一大群國王,到處亂竄亂跳。
  • The third man on the raft died. 在木筏上的第三個男子死了。
  • The raft is rolling down the river. 木筏沿河順流而下。
  • Had he remembered the rubber raft? 他記得那個橡皮筏子嗎?
  • The raft was 42 metres and 16 metres wide. 救生筏長42米,寬16米。
  • You blow is on a raft and sail the Atlantic. 你的機會是用一艘筏子在大西洋上航行。
  • His human raft. 他的人筏。
  • Would you like to sail on a raft for 101 days? 你想在救生筏上航行101天嗎?
  • Raft and cultch culture of oysters and mussels. 牡蠣和貽貝筏式養殖和碎殼床養殖。
  • A single shoe sat in the life raft with him. 艇上和他在一起的只有一隻鞋。
  • The gap between Herman and the raft was widening. 赫爾曼與救生筏的距離越來越大了。
  • The earth itself became the raft of the Medusa. 地球本身已經變成了一隻杜美莎之舟。
  • The EU is preparing a raft of similar measures. 歐盟正準備採取一系列類似的舉措。
  • In this massive raft, we had nothing to worry about. 在這么大的筏子裡,我沒什麼好擔心的。
  • Another wave came, and it flipped the raft upside down. 另一波浪頭打了過來,筏子也給掀翻了。
  • All these batons might form, together, another human raft. 所有這些接力棒合在一起,可能就會組成另外一隻人類之筏。
  • On our raft we have witnessed this aberration only too well. 我們在筏子上對這些反常天氣見得太多了。
  • Cosette, that charming existence, was the raft of this shipwreck. 珂賽特,這個可愛的生命,是沉溺者得救的木筏。
  • Germans accentuate the negative, according to a raft of recent polls. 最近大量的民調顯示,德國人主要持消極觀點。
  • One day, the pet parrot was washed off the raft by a sudden wave. 一天,一隻寵物鸚鵡被一陣突然襲來的浪沖走了。

