《Psychology of Language and Learning》是一本圖書。
- 外文名:Psychology of Language and Learning
- ISBN:9781468436525
《Psychology of Language and Learning》是一本圖書。
Autonomy beyond the field of language education Educational reform Adult education The psychology of learning Political philosophy Defining and describing autonomy Levels of control Measuring autonomy Autonomy and culture Control as ...
Roger's Humanistic Psychology, Types of Learning, Transfer,Interference,and Overgeneralization, Inductive and Deductive Reasoning, Intelligence and Second Language Learning, In the Classroom:The"Designer"Methods of ...
Chapter 12Psycholinguistics: Language and Psychology 12.1Introduction 12.2Language and the Brain: The Biological Foundations of Language 12.3Language Comprehension 12.4Language Production 12.5Language Acquisition Chapter 13Cognitive...
Chapter 1 Psychology and Learning English Chapter 2 Changes in Learning Modes Chapter 3 Being a University Student: What We Know Chapter 4 The Drive Behind Learning English Chapter 5 Learning Environment Chapter 6 Methods o...
《語言學習認知法:英文》內容簡介:This book has two major themes: firstly,it discusses psycholinguistic and cognitive aspects of language learning, and secondly, it looks at the contrast between universalist accounts oflanguage ...
《語言心理學》內This fully revised text provides an understandable, clear overview of the psychology of language. Using an information-processing approach, Carroll brings the current developments and controversies in ...
1 The Nature of Psychology心理學的性質1 2 Biological Foundations of Psychology心理學的生物學基礎30 3 Psychological Development心理發展64 4 Sensory Processes感覺106 5 Perception知覺146 6 Consciousness 意識194 7 Learning and ...
Yang, C., Zhao, W., Luo, L., Sun, B., Potts. R., & Shanks, D. R. (2021). Testing Potential Mechanisms Underlying Test-Potentiated New Learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and ...
Li, P. & Y. Dong. 2020. Language experiences and cognitive control: a dynamic perspective. In K. D. Federmeier & H. Huang (eds.): The Psychology of Learning and Motivation 72:27-52. (SSCI) 李穎卉、董燕萍*...
·教育背景中的學習理論與模式 教學心理學中的範式(Instructional Psychology,Paradigms in)學習活動(Learning Activity)學習理論:歷史回顧與展望(Learning Theories:Historical Overview and Trends)學習模型(Models of Leaming)