Presence Meditation

Presence Meditation

《PRESENCE MEDITATION(ISBN=9781556439124) 英文原版》是2010年Random House US出版的圖書,作者:Jens-Erik Risom。


  • 中文名: PRESENCE MEDITATION(ISBN=9781556439124) 英文原版 
  • 作者:Jens-Erik Risom  
  • 出版社:Random House US 
  • ISBN:9781556439124 


 First developed as a short manual for students in a yearlongmeditation course, Presence Meditation offers a step-by-stepprogram for increasing self-awareness through simple but revelatoryexercises. The practice of presence meditation involves becomingpresent to whatever is going on and letting things be just as theyare. This awareness is characterized by open attention and neutralobservation, which increases the capacity to observe withoutjudging, enables transformation without forcing, and opens the wayto a more immediate sense of meaning and joy in life. AuthorJens-Erik Risom begins by describing the purpose of meditation andthe “four introductions” (rootedness, attention to breathing,fullness of feeling, and witness awareness), and then presents thegradual steps for achieving presence, deepening neutrality, openingto trust, sensing spaciousness, and more.
 There are many books about meditation on the market, from Westernauthors like Eckhart Tolle to Tibetan Buddhist teachers. But manypeople find it difficult to translate the message of these booksinto an actual experience of deepening awareness. Whether readersare seeking a spiritual practice, a more serene approach tostressful situations, improved concentration, or greater relaxationfor better health, this compact manual offers a simple, undogmaticapproach to meditation.


Jens-Erik Risom holds a BA in Oriental medicine and is a certified acupuncturist from the Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Beijing. A meditation instructor in Scandinavia and Holland, he lives in Nr. Snede, Denmark.
Foreword contributor Peter A. Levine is the best-selling author of Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma.


