Picture Perfect - Escape the Fate You lived your life like you were on fire But how can I dance When your soul just lifted me Higher and higher ...
In the picture perfect worldWe could be more than beforeSaid it was I made it stronger參考資料 1. perfect world .qq音樂[引用日期2016-08-10] ...
I'm just a picture perfect nothingSometimes I medicateI'll be a picture perfect humanBefore the sun goes down todayJust an ordinary human...
JASRAC牌照號碼:pvy00144011 - 001 The remarkable, most talented “Picture Perfect” is here on the iPhone application!! With her soft and pure voice, ...
她的首張專輯《Picture Perfect》(製作人:Bill Lefler)在2009年的11月12日發行,她的首張加長版專輯在2010年的7月27日發行。Lindsey Ray來自音樂世家,她的音樂...
Picture Perfect 2013-06-27 英語 專輯封面 專輯類型:EP 專輯曲目(1) 01. Picture Perfect Let's Pretend 2012-05-29 英語 專輯封面 專輯類型:EP ...