《PHYSICS OF FLUIDS》是1994年American Institute of Physics出版的圖書。
- 出版時間:1994年
- 出版社:AIP Publishing
- ISBN:1089-7666 (電子版)
- 研究領域:物理-力學
《PHYSICS OF FLUIDS》是1994年American Institute of Physics出版的圖書。
《PHYSICS OF FLUIDS》是1994年American Institute of Physics出版的圖書。簡介1PHYSICS OF FLUIDS出版國家:UNITED STATES出版商:Woodbury...
Physics of Fluids in Microgravity 《Physics of Fluids in Microgravity》是一本圖書,作者是Monti, Rudolfo
《Statistical Mechanics and the Physics of Fluids》是一本圖書,作者是Tosi, Mario; Vignolo, Vignolo;內容簡介 This volume collects the lecture notes of a course on statistical mechanics, held at Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa for third-to-fifth year students in physics and chemistry. Three main ...
jThis thoroughly updated and revised text contains a selection of well-written essays based on Silvermans work on a wide range of topics, including: quantum mechanics, including atomic and nuclear physics, electromagnetism and optics, gravity, thermodynamics, and the physics of fluids. Presenting a ...
Physics of Fluids,Vol. 7,No. 12,p. 1927,1964.R. Kaiser and G. Miskolezy, Magnetic Properties of Stable Dispersion of Subdomain Magnetic Particles,Journal of Applied Physics,Vol. 41,No 3,p.1064,1970.下飯坂潤三著,磁性流體,《日本金屬學會會報》,第15卷,No.2,p.77,1976。
Pries, AR, Reglin B., and Secomb TW, Structural adaptation of microvascular networks: functional roles of adaptive responses. Am J, Physiol. 281: H1015-1025, 2001 Pozrikidis C. Axisymmetric motion of a file of red blood cells through capillaries. Physics of Fluids, 2005,17:031503-1—14...
5.4 Appendix.Change of variable in a surface integral 6 Energy equations and shock equations 6.1 Heat and energy 6.2 Shocks and the Rankine——Hugoniot relations PART Ⅱ PHYSICS OF FLUIDS 7 General properties of Newtonian fluids 7.1 General equations of fluid mechanics 7.2 Statics of fluids...
1. Wang, Z., Li, A., Wu, B., Fan, D.*, Triantafyllou, M.S. and Tang, D., 2021. Asymmetric vortex pair induces secondary traveling wave vibration of a flexible cylinder from still water to incoming flow. Physics of Fluids, 33(12), p.125115.2. Wang, Z., Fan, D.* and ...
探索新物理現象,用計算機上重現微重力條件下的實驗,結合地面實驗展開研究,獲得比較豐富的流場和溫度場等信息,對不同參數下的物理現象形成了規律性的認識. 在頂級力學類期刊上發表文章3篇(Physics of Fluids,Journal of Computational Physics,Journal of Fluid Mechanics). 具體地說,(91)結合實驗室的實際需求,...
6. Xun Huang* and Xin Zhang, "Streamwise and Spanwise Plasma Actuators for Flow-Induced Cavity Noise Control", Physics of Fluids, Vol 20, No 3, 2008. pp.(037101)1-10. PoF.pdf 5. Xun Huang*, Sammie Chan, Xin Zhang and Steve Gabriel, "Variable structure model for flow-induced tonal ...
根據2023年7月北京大學工學院網站數據,楊越先後在《流體力學雜誌(Journal of Fluid Mechanics)》《流體物理學(Physics of Fluids)》等學術期刊發表論文50多篇,發表會議論文10多篇,代表論文如下:W. Tong, S. Wang, and Y. Yang*, Estimating forces from cross-sectional data in the wake of flows past ...
在ACS Nano,Lab on a Chip,Biosensors & Bioelectronics,Analytica Chimica Acta,Physics of Fluids,Biomicrofluidcis,Electrophoresis等國際重要學術期刊發表SCI論文近40篇。社會任職 中國力學學會副秘書長 Lab on a Chip, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics,Biomicrofluidics,Computers and Fluids,《中國科學》,《力學學報...
,英國University of Birmingham 大學訪問學者,研究生導師。國鐵集團科技專家;湖南、江西高新技術(企業)評審專家;廣東省科技廳評審專家;長沙市科技評審專家;瀏陽市柔性人才專家;Physics of Fluids,鐵道科學與工程等知名期刊審稿專家。人物經歷 (1)1984-1999 湖南科技大學機械工程系。(2)1999-現在中南大學交通...
(2) Selection of internal wave beam directions by a geometric constraint provided by topography, Physics of Fluids, 2017, 第 1 作者 (3) Generation of internal solitary waves over a large sill: from Knight Inlet to Luzon Strait, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 2017, 第 1 作者 (4...
2015年9月-2017年8月:荷蘭屯特大學流體物理研究組(Physics of Fluids group, University of Twente),MCEC研究中心。博士後研究 2017年9月起在北京大學工學院、北京大學工程科學與新興技術高精尖創新中心工作 研究方向 浸潤狀態與浸潤轉變,氣泡生長與形貌演化,近壁面流場觀測,增材製造關鍵技術與部件設計。獲得榮譽 ...
國際期刊Journal of Fluids and Structures, Ocean Engineering, Physics of Fluids, International Journal of Numerical Methods in Fluids, International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics,國內期刊China Ocean Engineering、力學學報、水利學報、計算力學學報、浙江大學學報等審稿人,第6屆中德水利與海洋工程會議和...
發表於物理流體領域權威期刊《Physics of Fluids》的論文,被美國物理學會評為Highlights Paper,並被其主頁及近十家國外科技網站正面新聞報導。發表於物理學頂級期刊《Physical Review Letters》的論文,被物理學年度十大進展評選機構Physcisworld 以及英國皇家物理學會網站Phys.org新聞報導。此外,項目組成員總計獲授權發明...
(3) “Distinct dynamics of self-propelled bowl-shaped micromotors caused by shape effect: Concave vs convex”, Duo Wang, Dongshi Guan, Jinghong Su, Xu Zheng, Guoqing Hu, Physics of Fluids , 33(12), 122004 (2021).(4) “Edible Bird’s Nest, an Asian Health Food Supplement, Possesses ...
3. Linmin Li, Bowen Jiang, Guolai Wei, et al. Multiscale multiphase flow simulations using interface capturing and Lagrangian particle tracking, Physics of Fluids, 2022, 34(12): 121801.(二區Top)4. Linmin Li, Yakang Huo, Zhengdong Wang, et al. Large eddy simulation of tip-leakage ...
4.S.J. Qin,N. Chu, Y. Yao, J.T. Liu, B. Huang, D.Z.Wu, “Stream-wise distribution of skin-friction drag reduction on a flat plate with bubble injection”, Physics of Fluids, 29,037103(2017), 2017.02.SCIIndex, IF: 2.627.ZJU TOP.5.Yan P,Chu N*, Wu DZ*, Cao LL, Yang...
Zhenhua Xia ,Yipeng Shi* ,Qingqing Zhang,Shiyi Chen,Modulation to compressible homogenous turbulence byheavy point particles, Part I: Effect of particles’ density,Physics of Fluids,2016,28(1)Yang, Kun,Xia, Zhenhua,Shi, Yipeng*,Chen, Shiyi,Effect of Oscillation Structures on Inertial-...
徐翱,西北工業大學長聘副教授。2013年於中國科學技術大學獲理論與套用力學學士學位,2017年於香港科技大學獲機械工程學博士學位。現圍繞流體力學核心問題“湍流結構和輸運”開展基礎研究。發表SCI論文39篇(其中作為第一作者在《Journal of Fluid Mechanics》《Physical Review Fluids》《Physics of Fluids》等發表20篇)...
[10]Yitung Chen*, Huajun Chen, Jinsuo Zhang, and Benzhao Zhang, “Viscoelastic Flow in Rotating Curved Pipes,” Physics of Fluids, 2006, 18, 083103 (2006). (SCI收錄)[11] Yitung Chen*, Huajun Chen, Benzhao Zhang, Hsuan-Tsung Hsieh ,Fluid flow convective heat transfer in a rotating ...
[4] Tian Ren-Zhi, Xu He-Yong*, Dong Qing-Li, Ye Zheng-Yin. Numerical Investigation of Aero-Optical Effects of Flow past a Flat-Windowed Cylindrical Turret. Physics of Fluids, 2020, 32, 056103. (SCI: 000533632800003)[5] Fu Zhi-Jie, Chu Yu-Wei, Cai Yi-Sheng, Xu He-Yong*, Xu ...
10.Z.Y. Zhang,C.J. Fu, W.C. Tan, and C.Y. Wang “Onset of Oscillatory Convection in a Porous Cylinder Saturated with a Viscoelastic Fluid,”Physics ofFluidsVol. 19, pp. 098104/1-4, 2007.11.C.J. Fu, Z.Y. Zhang, and W.C. Tan “Numerical Simulation of Thermal Convection of ...
J. Zhang, P. Tian, S. Yao, F. Fei, Multiscale investigation of Kolmogorov flow: From microscopic molecular motions to macroscopic coherent structures. Physics of Fluids, 31(8), (2019) 082008 J. Zhang, J. Benzi, P. Marcel, F. Fei and D. S. Wen. Particle-based hybrid and multiscale...
基於這些工作成果,我們在國際頂級流體力學類學術期刊Journal of Fluid Mechanics上發表論文4篇,在國際知名流體力學類學術期刊Physics of Fluids上發表論文1篇,總共發表論文10篇,其中8篇被SCI收錄。此外,我們還受到國內著名力學類綜述期刊《力學進展》的邀請,撰寫有關湍流熱對流方面的綜述性論文。我們的工作受到了國內...