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2002 – 2006,四川大學熱能與動力工程,學士;
2006 – 2013,中國科學院力學研究所高溫氣體動力學國家重點實驗室,博士;


2013 – 2016,華中科技大學煤燃燒國家重點實驗室,博士後;
2016 – 2020,華中科技大學航空航天學院,講師;
2019 – 2021, 蘇黎世聯邦理工學院,訪問學者;
2020 至今, 華中科技大學航空航天學院,副教授。





F. Fei, J. Zhang, J. Li, and Z. Liu, A unified stochastic particle Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook method for multiscale gas flows. Journal of Computational Physics, 2019, p.108972.
J. Zhang, P. Tian, S. Yao, F. Fei, Multiscale investigation of Kolmogorov flow: From microscopic molecular motions to macroscopic coherent structures. Physics of Fluids, 31(8), (2019) 082008
J. Zhang, J. Benzi, P. Marcel, F. Fei and D. S. Wen. Particle-based hybrid and multiscale methods for nonequilibrium gas flows. Advances in Aerodynamics, 1 (2019): 12.
Y. Xiong, L. Jing, F. Fei, Z. H. Liu and W. Luo. Influence of coherent vortex structures in subgrid scale motions on particle statistics in homogeneous isotropic turbulence. International Journal of Multiphase Flow 113 (2019): 358-370.
K. Yang, F. Fei, and H. An. Investigation of coupled lever-bistable nonlinear energy harvesters for enhancement of inter-well dynamic response. Nonlinear Dynamics, 4 (2019): 2369-2392.
K. Yang, F. Fei, and J. T. Du. Investigation of the lever mechanism for bistable nonlinear energy harvesting under Gaussian-type stochastic excitations. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 52, 5 (2018): 055501.
X. P. Chen, F. Fei. Effects of dimensional wall temperature on Reynolds stress budgets in a supersonic turbulent channel flow with thermally perfect gas. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 8-9 (2018): 315-325.
F. Fei, Z. H. Liu, et al., A particle Fokker-Planck algorithm with multiscale temporal discretization for rarefied and continuum gas flows, Communication in Computational Physics, 2017.
F. Fei, Z.H. Liu, C.G. Zheng, Statistical simulation of molecular diffusion effect on turbulent tetrad dispersion, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 2016, 103: 87-98.
F. Fei, Z. H. Liu, et al., Effect of hydrodynamic interaction on colloidal restructuring in shear flow, Journal of Engineering Thermophysics (in Chinese), 2015, 36: 2173-2177.
F. Fei, J. Fan, A diffusive information preservation method for small Knudsen number flows, Journal of Computational Physics, 2013, 243: 179-193.
F. Fei, J. Fan, Molecular simulation of driven cavity flows with high Reynolds number, Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (in Chinese), 2013, 45(5): 653-659.
F. Fei, J. Fan, and J Z. Jiang, Solid wall effect on the transport coefficients of gases, Science in China Series G, 2012, 55: 927-932.
J. Zhang, J. Fan and F. Fei, Effects of convection and solid wall on the diffusion in microscale convection flow, Physic of Fluids, 2010, 22: 122005.
F. Fei, Z.H. Liu, et al., A Multi-Scale Method for Rarefied and Continuum Gas Flows Based on Fokker-Planck Model, 30th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, 2016.
F. Fei, J. Fan, et al., Statistical simulation of decaying and forced homogeneous isotropic turbulence, 29th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, 2014, 1628: 1356.
F. Fei, J. Fan, Molecular simulation of small Knudsen number flows, 28th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, 2012, 864-871.
J. Fan, J Z. Jiang, and F. Fei, Molecular motion in isotropic turbulence, 27th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, 2010, 1385-1390.


[1] 博士後科學基金。“顆粒間的流體相互作用對膠體凝並和重構過程的影響”,2014,No. 2014M562019,負責人。
[2] 自然科學青年基金。“有反應湍流/非湍流界面分子擴散效應的D-IP統計模擬研究”,2015,No. 51506063,負責人。
[3] 國家自然科學基金委員會-廣東省政府聯合基金(第二期)超級計算科學套用研究專項,培育期第二期,2016,負責人。
[4] 國家數值風洞工程項目子課題,2019,負責人。




