Philosophy and the Analysis of Music

Philosophy and the Analysis of Music

《Philosophy and the Analysis of Music》是1991年出版的圖書,作者是Ferrara, Lawrence。


  • 外文名:Philosophy and the Analysis of Music 
  • 作者:Ferrara, Lawrence
  • 頁數:390 頁
  • ISBN:9780313283451
A musical experience is marked by the synthesis of passion and rationality, emotion and understanding and body and mind. This book is an attempt to understand better the dynamic interaction between various levels of musical significance and to devise a system through which one can report systematically those levels individually and in their interaction with each other. Ultimately Ferrara devises an "eclectic method" which provides bridges for musical sound, form and reference. In response to the multi-levels of musical significance, the eclectic method draws upon a wide ranging number of conventional and non-conventional approaches. In the last two chapters of the book, the eclectic method is used to examine works by Bela Bartok and David Zinn and to test the validity of the overall method.


