Petula Clark

Petula Clark

Petula Clark 中文名:佩屈拉克拉克,女性,1932年十一月出生於倫敦的近郊,父母都是在醫院從事看護的專業人員,不過都有著歌唱的天賦,她的父親還曾經做過明星夢。


  • 中文名:佩屈拉克拉克
  • 外文名:Petula Clark
  • 出生地:倫敦
  • 出生日期:1932年十一月
  • 代表作品:Downtown


1964年,在先後有許多支單曲轟動法國之後,她的唱片製作人湯尼海奇(Tony Hatch)帶著一堆自己寫的歌曲來找她,並且建議她,應該可以再度嘗試用英語來灌錄唱片了。佩屈拉克拉克回答說,她願意回到英國發展,但前提是必須要先找到合適的歌曲。在她跑到廚房去泡茶來招待客人的時候,湯尼海奇隨手在鋼琴上彈奏了一段自己剛剛譜出來的旋律,她在廚房裡聽到了,立刻衝出來,問湯尼那是什麼歌曲。湯尼表示,那首歌叫做「Downtown」,但是還沒有歌詞。佩屈拉說,那首歌曲很棒,假如湯尼可以寫出相配的歌詞,她願意灌錄,並且藉以回到英國歌壇。


Downtown 鬧市區
Vocal: Petula Clark
When you're alone
and life is making you lonely,
You can always go…Downtown…
When you've go worries all the noise and the hurry
seems to help I know…
Downtown… Just listen to the music of the traffic in the city
Linger on the sidewalk where the neon signs are pretty.
How can you lose?
The lights are much brighter there,
You can forget all your troubles,
Forget all your cares,so go downtown…
Things will be great when you're downtown…
No finer place for sure… downtown…
Everything's waiting for you… Downtown…
Don't hang around and let your problems surround you…
There are movie shows, downtown…
Maybe you know some little places to go where they
never close… Downtown
Just listen to the rkythm of the gentle Bossa Nova
You'll be dancing with them too,
before the night is over.
Happy again…
The lights are much brighter there.
You can forget all your troubles,
forget all your cares…
So go downtown,
Where all the lights are bright…Downtown…
Waiting for you tonight…Downtown…
You're going to be all right now…
Downtown, Downtown, Downtown…
And you may find somebody kind to help
and understand you,
Someone who is just like you,
Who needs a gentle hand to guide them along
So maybe I'll see you there.
We can forget all our troubles,
Forget all our cares.
So go downtown.
Things will be great when you're
Don't wait a minute more,
Everything's waiting for you
Downtown, Downtown, Downtown,


