Pete Murray,歌手,代表專輯有《Burning Up》。
- 外文名:Pete Murray
- 職業:歌手
- 代表作品:Burning Up
- 單曲數量:180
Pete Murray,歌手,代表專輯有《Burning Up》。
《To a Friend》是Pete Murray演唱的歌曲,由Pete Murray作詞,Pete Murray作曲,收錄於《So Beautiful》專輯中 。歌曲歌詞 Waiting for the summer to come And I am falling into a deeper slum Cos' I am thinking how we were Yesterday good friends Your mother I saw her yesterday and we were talking...
《Never Let The End Begin》是Pete Murray演唱的歌曲,由Pete Murray作詞,收錄於《Summer At Eureka》專輯中。歌曲歌詞 I wanna take this day I wanna hold it lie down next to you So you can see it’s perfect way You know there’s nothing I wouldn’t change for you So you can take me ...
《Miss Colder》是Pete Murray演唱的歌曲,由Pete Murray作詞,收錄於《Chance To Say Goodbye》專輯中。歌曲歌詞 Hello miss cold I came by to give you the season A hot day you‘re going to pay Don‘t you know you‘re wanted for treason Oh no why is it so You have always been so freezin...
《Always A Winner》是Pete Murray演唱的歌曲,收錄於《Blue Sky Blue (The Byron Sessions)》專輯中。歌曲歌詞 Hey see it my way If we all had a dream We could bust this place And we could take it down Like a run away train I bet you'd make me smile Like I'm going insane ...
《Sugar Ranch》是Pete Murray演唱的歌曲,由Pete Murray作詞,收錄於《Chance To Say Goodbye》專輯中。 歌曲歌詞 Forbidden love bleeding on my mind Brings me to my knees With the taste of your sweet wine Oh Only if you could fade Lead me to the sea And always catch your tide I count the ...
《Fall Your Way》是Pete Murray 、The Bulgarian Symphony Orchestra演唱的歌曲,收錄於《Feeler - 10 Year Anniversary Edition》專輯中。歌曲歌詞 Can you tell me when Are you going to realise That you can depend On you instincts or your alibis Do you play by the rules Of these games being led ...
《Ten Ft Tall》是Pete Murray演唱的歌曲,收錄專輯《Feeler》中。歌曲歌詞 And if I coul d Surely would today And if I knew All the words to say And I could Wisp you away To my world But you might say it's just the luck of the draw You might say that you've done this before You ...
《H O L L A N D》是Pete Murray演唱的歌曲,收錄於專輯《Blue Sky Blue (The Byron Sessions)》。歌曲歌詞 Well you broke me with your smile And I'm captured now Like I've just drank a thousand year potion Pour your tears into my wine Please hold my life And let me know when you ...
《This Pill》是Pete Murray演唱的歌曲,收錄於《Ultimate Manilow》專輯中。歌曲歌詞 Two years And I feel like I'm over this pill Is the reason I wonder and still You just light up the way I burn Like the sunsets above me two feet My eyes are so tired I can't sleep And it's only ...
《Summer At Eureka》是Pete Murray演唱的歌曲,收錄於《Summer At Eureka》專輯中。 歌曲歌詞 Baby I've been a fool on time But it's always been in my way And I don't know or understand it now So darling summer's almost gone And I've been cold and along my ...
《Miss Cold》是Pete Murray演唱的歌曲,收錄於《Summer At Eureka》專輯中。歌曲歌詞 Hello Miss Cold I came by to give you the season A hot day you’re going to pay Don’t you know you’re wanted for treason Oh no why is it so You have always been so freezin’To me you couldn’t ...
《Georges Helper》是Pete Murray演唱的歌曲,收錄於專輯《See The Sun》。歌曲歌詞 People This is what I say tonight Messed up After that I'm much too bright You all just sit here smiling and I Cannot control myself when I know I'm right Oh and I can't help you tonight Here it comes ...
《Hurricane Coming》是Pete Murray演唱的歌曲,收錄於《Blue Sky Blue (The Byron Sessions)》專輯中。歌曲歌詞 A knight came down from a distant land To stop a valentine sorceress to reign When country 'round was dying down And the people lived in fear of her name The knight and the sorceress ...
她在澳大利亞巡演期間,得到了Pete Murray 和The John Butler Trio的大力幫助。她的第二張EP“Scar”在7月正式發行。同名單曲“Scar”由蜜西和美國作曲人Kevin Griffin共同完成,進入了ARIA單曲榜第一位。她的第一張專輯《The Sound of White》在9月份發行,也榮列ARIA專輯榜首位。該專輯出品人也是Porter,銷量超過...
Pete Murray Josh Kieser Ella Rose Corby Lola Ivanova James McEnery Melanie Grace Marco Naddei Shelley Marshall Vanessa Friscia Eloise Bankowski Sammie Shannon Mary Baker Jayden McGinlay 製片 Mary Baker Chris Bridgewater Marco Naddei Madeleine Kennedy Miyuki Lotz Darrell PlumridgeDarrell Plumridge Ellie ...
NACA讓一些美國空軍飛行員駕駛第二架X-4飛了幾次。這些飛行員包括了:查克·葉格,Pete Everest,Al Boyd,理察·詹森,Fred Ascani,Arthur Murray和Jack Ridley。這幾次飛行都在1950年8月至9月間完成。第一次由NACA飛行員操縱的飛行是在1950年9月28日,由John Griffth駕駛。NACA最初的測試是從1950年晚期至...
她為澳大利亞藝人Pete Murray於2008年8月和9月做全國巡演的嘉賓。Wigmore在2008年巡演,並在奧克蘭的the Cross Town Revue演出。在2008年12月,Gin Wigmore與藝人John Mellencamp和Sheryl Crow一起在紐西蘭巡演。她的大熱單曲"Under My Skin"被用於紐西蘭航空的廣告宣傳上。Wigmore於2009年與同樣來自奧克蘭的嘻哈組合Smash...
不過有些主播,特別是加州KMPC的彼特·阿波蓋斯特(Pete Arbogast)還是習慣用老名字稱呼。隊名變短了 和球場翻新有關的另外一項協定是球隊的名稱必須包含安納海姆在內。當時迪士尼的管理階層正在著手改建年代久遠的迪士尼樂園,迪士尼希望能把安那罕的市場定位成一個完整的娛樂都市,如同他們在佛州奧蘭多的迪士尼世界(Walt ...
NACA讓一些美國空軍飛行員駕駛第二架X-4飛了幾次。這些飛行員包括了:查克·葉格,Pete Everest,Al Boyd,理察·詹森,Fred Ascani,Arthur Murray和Jack Ridley。這幾次飛行都在1950年8月至9月間完成。第一次由NACA飛行員操縱的飛行是在1950年9月28日,由John Griffth駕駛。NACA最初的測試是從1950年晚期至...