簡介:(Patrick Denis Apps),第一張專輯:《Lycanthropy 》,第二張專輯:《Wind In The Wires》,第三張專輯:《The Magic Position》,第五張專輯 《 Lupercalia 》,Tracklist,
簡介:(Patrick Denis Apps)
國籍 :Ireland愛爾蘭
音樂風格: Indie Rock 獨立搖滾
廠牌: Tomlab
Patrick Wolf裝備了每一種樂器,在11歲時就開始了聲音的實驗。他將古代和現代的吟遊詩人的樂器融合為一體,鍛造出令人驚奇的獨特的音樂語言。歌詞則是狄更斯風格和現代風格的碰撞,充滿牧歌般的田園與雜亂無章的城市之間的衝突。 Patrick Wolf六歲時從故鄉愛爾蘭前往英國學習小提琴,幼年便跟隨交響樂團到歐洲巡迴演出,十一歲時開始寫歌,後來因為偷了學校一台四軌錄音機器,逃出學校,當街頭藝人,從此走上了另一條音樂之路。十六歲時回到倫敦,十七歲時組了一個叫做Maison Crimineaux的樂團。樂團到巴黎表演,於是他遇到Capitol K,他們合作,後來他還在Capitol K自創廠牌Faith and Industry下發表了LYCANTHROPY。 少年時代,他就是那種徹夜在睡房裡用小提琴、人聲、二手電子琴在四軌錄音機上進行DIY創作導致翌日要逃學的樂痴孩子……他的作品能糅合Folk、Laptop Electronica與Neo-Classical等各種音樂成分,既古樸幽情、也摩登現代。鄉村風情的民歌,古典優雅的弦樂鋼琴,以及電氣的Mircobeat肌理在他的作品裡總可以如此絲絲入扣,和諧共處。你可以體驗到原音與電音、鄉間與城市、正統與街頭之雙重性格。他自幼學習正統音樂,卻愛上進行DIY睡房電子音樂之實驗;他深受Joni Mitchell的民歌影響卻對Laptop電音製作平台趨之若鶩;早年他曾加入弦樂四重奏樂團演出以維持生計卻又同時成立了Maison Crimineaux這支又嘈又顛的Gabba-Punk組合。 在Patrick身上你可以把本是風馬牛不相及的東西混為一談……
I was born in South London (St Thomas’s Hospital, just by Waterloo Station). My Mom is a painter (an Irish family). My dad is a jazz musician... I grew up with them. At 6, I’ve started learning the violin. I joined orchestras and choirs, playing around the world. Then puberty set it. My voice dropped so I tucked my violin and started playing with synthesizers, 4-tracks and started making noises. At 12, I used to write fanzines and I got into contact with a group called Minty. As I played the theremin [Legend says he actually built his own theremin] they asked me to join for a couple of shows. We developed a good friendship. I was really badly bullied at school and it was like having a family to look after me you know, something a bit showbiz. At 14-15, I left London to go to school in the countryside , worked up in farm and stuff. When the lambs were born, we would take the placenta and make a soup with it. Typical English stuff. A very liberating experience. A little city boy in the middle of the countryside. That’s when I really worked out where I was coming from
I came back to London, left home [a mutual decision between him and his parents]. We didn’t speak to each other for one year and a half. Big falling out. [...] In London I worked full time as Patrick Wolf, working on my music, recording every day, practising...
Patrick Wolf來自英國倫敦,從小就展現出對樂器演奏的過人敏銳度,從豎琴、羽管鍵琴、吉他、鋼琴、小風琴、手風琴、四弦琴、中提琴到小提琴都難不倒他,更從教堂唱詩班中學習到合聲以及演唱技能,11歲開始就已經可以藉由樂器演奏而著手創作,同時錄下自己的DEMO帶。14歲年紀就加入樂團Minty四處演出。16歲離開家鄉到倫敦展開尋樂生涯,靠著當街頭藝人以及加入弦樂四重奏團體的微薄收入維生,還組織起三人噪音樂團Maison Crimineaux,一次巴黎的演出,受到結合Lo-Fi、搖滾、Indie-Pop等風格的電子音樂人Capitol K賞識,協助出版集結九年音樂創作的首張專輯《Lycanthropy》,讓各傳媒見識到這年輕小伙子的驚人功力,隨後2005年的《Wind In The Wires》,順利為他簽下一紙國際大廠契約。