National Natural Science Prize founded by the Chinese Government is thehighest award in the field of natural scienes in China. It is awarded to thescientists who have made great scientific discovery and expounded naturalphenomenon, feature and rules in the fields of fundamental research and appliedfundamental research.This award was established in 1955. Since 1987, National Natural SciencePrize was awarded every two years and the sixth National Natural Science Prizewas adjudicated in China in 1993. Fifty-two projects of excellent scientificresearch achievements were awarded such prize. These awards nominated by theNational Natural Science Award Committee are approved by the State Scienceand Technology Commission of the P. R. C. Among the 52 projects, 1(accounting for 1. 9%)is in the first class, 18 (34. 6%) in the second, 21(40.4%) in the third and 12 (23%) in the fourth. The distribution of theprojects in different disciplines is: 4 are in mathematics, 2 in mechanics, 2 inastronomy, 6 in physics, 8 in chemistry, 8 in biology ,2 in medical science, 7 inearth science ,3 in material science, 5 in engineering science, and 5 ininformation science. Among the 181 laureates of this prize, 25 areAcademicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2 are Academicians of theChinese Academy of Engineering Sciences. There are 150 scientists with higprofessional posts, 79 possessing academic degrees of master and higher thanmaster. Among them, there are 29 womem scientists and 2 scientists fromnational minorities of this country.All of the awarded projects are in the frontier of the development ofdisciplines with high academic level and strong applied perspective. They arethe fruits of the hard working by the scientists for more than ten or even dozensof years which have made a great contribution to the development of the causeof science and socialist construction in China.This book is edited by the Office of Natonal Natural Science AwardCommittee and the editors are as follows : Qian Haoqing,Liu Rongguang, BianWenshan and Bai Ge. The book introduces the main contents and theachievements of the awarded projects , so that readers can get the autline of theawarded projects.