
英文 | 中文 |
Looking at it now It all seems so simple We were lying on your couch I remember You took a Polaroid of us Then discovered The rest of the world was black and white But we were in screaming color I remember thinking... Are we out of the woods yet? Are we out of the woods yet? Are we out of the woods yet? Are we out of the woods? Are we in the clear yet? Are we in the clear yet? Are we in the clear yet? In the clear yet, good. Are we out of the woods yet? Are we out of the woods yet? Are we out of the woods yet? Are we out of the woods? Are we in the clear yet? Are we in the clear yet? Are we in the clear yet? In the clear yet, good. Looking at it now Last December We were built to fall apart Then fall back together Your necklace hanging from my neck The night we couldn't quite forget When we decided To move the furniture so we could dance Baby like we stood a chance Two paper airplanes flying And I remember thinking Remember when you hit the brakes too soon 20 stitches in a hospital room When you started crying, baby I did too But when the sun came up I was looking at you Remember when we couldn't take the heat I walked out, I said I'm setting you free But the monsters turned out to be just trees When the sun came up You were looking at me You were looking at me I remember | 回首往事 似乎一切都那么天真 我們曾躺在沙發上 我仍記得 你用相機拍的合照 然後發現 世界黯然失色 唯我們五彩斑斕 記得我一直在想 我們脫離困境了嗎 我們克服險阻了嗎 我們擺脫迷茫了嗎 我們逃脫荊棘了嗎 我們豁然開朗了嗎 我們不受阻礙了嗎 我們度過劫難了嗎 一切趨於明朗,很好 回首往事 去年十二月 我們注定分手卻又重歸於好 我戴著你的項鍊 我們畢生難忘的那個夜晚 我們決定了 移開家具翩翩起舞 仿佛充滿希望 兩個紙飛機翱翔藍天 記得我一直在想 記得你急踩剎車 病房裡縫了20針 當你開始哭泣時寶貝我也一樣 當旭日初升 我注視著你 記得我們再也承受不住 我離開了,讓你重獲自由 妖魔鬼怪不過是枯枝敗葉 當旭日初升 你注視著我 一直看著我 記憶猶新 |

- 2015年3月22日,《公告牌》雜誌給這首歌曲打上了四點五顆星的評價。
- 2014年12月26日,《Out of the Woods》被AXS媒體讚譽為泰勒·斯威夫特“最具突破性及令人震驚的作品”。


日期 | 頒獎機構 | 獎項 | 結果 |
2016年4月27日 | 美國著作權協會流行音樂獎 | 最佳錄唱歌曲 | 獲獎 |
日期 | 演出場合 | 地點 |
2016年2月15日 | 美國洛杉磯 |