Out Of Tune

《Out Of Tune》是由Sarah McLachlan演唱的歌曲,該歌曲收錄於專輯《Laws Of Illusion》中。


  • 中文名稱:Out Of Tune
  • 所屬專輯:Laws Of Illusion
  • 歌曲原唱Sarah McLachlan
  • 音樂風格:POP


Behind our door, there's no war
No burning towers, just hours of peace
Between us at least, no pretense, no violence
Makes no sense
It isn't my heart that's grown cold
The same mistakes are getting old
I'm lost for words, I don't know what to do
But when I'm lying here with you
And the whole worlds out of tune
You're the one and only voice that makes things right
So stay with me tonight
Behind our door, there's no hunger
No one trying to sell me heaven
Just loving arms, it's just tonight
I don't want to hear about our trying times
Don't wanna know 'bout lost children
About someone held for ransom
It isn't my heart that's grown cold
The same mistakes are getting old
I'm lost for words, I don't know what to do
But when I'm lying here with you
And the whole worlds out of tune
You're the one and only voice that makes things right
So stay with me tonight
But when I'm lying here with you
And the whole worlds out of tune
You're the one and only voice that makes things right
So stay with me tonight


中文名: 莎拉·麥克拉克蘭
外文名: Sarah McLachlan
出生地: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
出生日期: 1968.1.28
職業: 歌手
莎拉克勞克蘭,1968出生於加拿大。自1988年推出首張專輯《touch》以來,sarah mclachlan在全球締造出超過二千五百萬張的銷售成績。 創立lilith fair音樂節,在連續3年舉辦期間,共吸引了兩百萬名觀眾。


