音樂製作人Stephen Trask為John Cameron Mitchell導演的2001年的電影《Hedwig and the Angry Inch》(《海德薇和憤怒的一英尺》,又譯《搖滾芭比》,台譯《妖型怒與樂》)製作的電影插曲。
兩年之後,盧瑟拋棄了漢塞爾,在這片舉目無親的土地上,漢塞爾頑強的生存著。他為自己找了一份看護的工作,還成立了名為“The Angry Inch”的搖滾樂隊,在此期間,漢塞爾遇見了名為湯米(麥可·皮特 Michael Pitt 飾)的年輕男孩,殊不知這個男孩將會成為他日後的噩夢。
When the earth was still flat, and the clouds made of fire 當大地還是平的 雲還是一團團的火
And mountains stretched up to the sky, sometimes higher 有的山峰比天還高的時候
Folks roamed the earth like big rolling kegs 在大地上遊蕩的人們就像在地上滾動的木桶
They had two sets of arms, two sets of legs 他們有兩雙手 兩雙腿
They had two faces peering out of one giant head 巨大的腦袋兩側各長著一副面孔
And they could watch all around them 因此他們可以看見四周的一切
And they talked while they read 他們可以邊說話邊閱讀
And they never knew nothing of love 但他們對愛卻一無所知
It was before the origin of love 這些還是在愛起源之前的事情
And there were three sexes then 那時有三種性別
One that looked like two men glued back to back 由兩個男人背靠背粘在一起的
Called the children of the sun 是太陽之子
And similar in shape and girth were the children of the earth 由兩個女人粘在一起的是地球之子
They looked like two girls rolled up in one
And the children of the moon were like a fork shoved on a spoon 而由一男一女粘成的月亮之子 就好比把叉子和勺子放在一起
They were part sun, part earth, part daughter, part son 他們一部分是太陽之子 一部分是地球之子 既是女兒 又是兒子
Now the gods grew quite scared of our strength and defiance 上帝對人類的力量和無禮感到越發的惶恐
And Thor said: 雷神託兒說道
"I'm gonna kill them all with my hammer 讓我用我的錘子殺光他們
Like I killed the giants." 就像我殺了巨人那樣
And Zeus said: 但宙斯說
"No, you better let me use my lightning, like scissors 不 還是用我那好似剪刀的閃電來對付他們
Like I cut the legs off whales 就像我剪掉鯨魚的四肢
And dinosaurs into lizards." 把恐龍裁剪成蜥蜴那樣
Then he grabbed up some bolts 於是宙斯拿起閃電
And he let out a laugh, said: 大笑一聲 說
"I'll split them right down to the middle 我要從他們的正中間把他們劈成兩半
Gonna rip them right in half."
And then storm clouds gathered above 接著雨雲在天空中積聚
Into great balls of fire 變成了巨大的火球
And the fire shot down 突然雷火從天空一擊而下
From the sky in bolts
Like shining blades of a knife 就像閃亮的刀鋒
And it ripped right through the flesh 把太陽、月亮、地球的孩子們的軀體劃開了
Of the children of the sun
And the moon, and the earth
And some Indian god 有某位印度神
Sewed the wound up into a hole 把那些人的傷口縫合
Pulled it 'round to our belly 在肚子上留下一個洞眼似的疤痕
To remind us of the price we pay 以此來提醒我們所付出的代價
And Osiris and the gods of the Nile 接著尼羅河之神奧西里斯
Gathered up a big storm 他鼓起法力 形成了一場強大的暴風雨
To blow a hurricane 颶風把我們吹散
To scatter us away
In a flood of wind and rain 大風大雨
And a sea of tidal waves 還有大海的潮水
To wash us all away 把我們沖走了
And if we dont behave 而且 如果我們還不規矩
They'll cut us down again 他們就會再把我們劈開
And we'll be hopping round on one foot 我們只能單腳跳著行走
Looking through one eye 用一隻眼睛看世界
Last time I saw you 我們上次見面時
We had just split in two 就是我們被劈成兩半的時候
You were looking at me, and I was looking at you 你看著我 我看著你
You had a way so familiar 對你有似曾相識的感覺
But I could not recognize 卻沒有認出你
'Cause you had blood on your face 因為你的臉上有血
And I had blood in my eyes 而我的眼睛也被血水蒙住了
But I could swear by your expression 但從你痛苦的表情我敢發誓
That the pain down in your soul 你靈魂深處的痛
Was the same as the pain down in mine 也是我的痛
That's the pain 就是這種我們本來共有的一顆心被沿著一條直線切開的痛
Cuts a straight line down through the heart
We call it love 被稱之為愛
So we wrapped our arms around each other 我們緊緊地擁抱在一起 雙臂把對方纏繞
Trying to shove ourselves back together 試圖把彼此再粘在一起
We were making love 我們做愛了
It was a cold dark evening such a long time ago 這一切都發生在很久很久以前一個又黑又冷的夜晚
When by the mighty hand of Jove 強大的丘比特幫助了我們
It was the sad story 這就是關於人如何會變成兩條腿的寂寞生物的悲傷的故事。
How we became lonely two-legged creatures
It's the story of 這就是愛的起源
The origin of love
That's the origin of love