《Order and Legitimacy》是2004年出版的圖書,作者是Wilson, Francis、Cheek, H. Lee, Jr.、Cheek, Kathy B.。
- 外文名:Order and Legitimacy
- 作者:Wilson, Francis、Cheek, H. Lee, Jr.、Cheek, Kathy B.
- 出版時間:2004年7月
- 頁數:147 頁
- ISBN:9780765802453
- 定價:45.14 美元
《Order and Legitimacy》是2004年出版的圖書,作者是Wilson, Francis、Cheek, H. Lee, Jr.、Cheek, Kathy B.。
Ronald P. Toby argues that this isolationism was by no means so complete as traditionally supposed. He demonstrates that the Tokugawa shoguns conducted a foreign policy that established the shogunate's legitimacy, preserved Japan's security in an unstable environment, and buttressed her ideological ...
主要研究方向為國際關係理論與方法、中國對外政策、東亞國際關係等,主要研究成果包括《國際關係研究實用方法案例選編》(2010,編著),《國際關係研究實用方法(第二版)》(2007,合著),《中國崛起及其戰略》(2005,合著),China and East Asian Regional Order:A Reader(第一編者,2011,Oxford University Press...
between writing and the formation of community, particularly in relation to issues of legitimacy and gender. Burgess argues that the romance held a key role in remaking the national order of a Britain dependent on ideologies of human nature for justification of its social, economic...
the status quo in China and to a Western-style liberal democracy. A Confucian Constitutional Order is the most detailed and systematic work on Confucian constitutionalism to date. Jiang argues against the democratic view that the consent of the people is the main source of political legitimacy....
legitimate — What is political legitimacy? Co-existence of all systems of government in the fifth century — Instability in the condition of persons properties and institutions — There were two causes of this,one material, the continuation of the invasion; the other moral, the selfish sentiment ...
Enze Han & Daniel Marwecki, “Racialized International Order? Traces of ‘Yellow Peril’ Trope in Germany’s Public Discourse toward China,” Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 36, no. 3 (2023): 391-409.Wilfred Chow & Enze Han, “Descriptive Legitimacy and International Organizations: ...
2018, February26-27,Las Vegas,“Regional Economic Development, Regime Legitimacy and Extra Legitimacy: Evidence from Three Waves of a National Survey in China”, Paper presented atthe21st Annual of the American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences Conference.2017, October 12-13, Maryville, ...
“Between ‘Rule’ and ‘Law’: Governance Dilemma of Political Leaders in East Asia”, 60 (2018:4) 58-65 [“東亞政治領袖的‘法’與‘治’之困”,《文化縱橫》2018年第4期(總第60期),58-65頁].“Legitimacy, Jurisdiction and Merits in the South China Sea Arbitration: Chinese Perspectives ...
(Person and personal relationship)1未出生的人(Unborn persons)2未成年人(Infants)3父母和監護人(Parents and guardians)4合法性(Legitimacy)5收養(Adoption)6已婚婦女(Married women)7婚姻和離婚(Marriage and divorce)8精神錯亂(Insanity)9國王和公務員(The Crown and its...
This edition of Voltaire`s political writings presents a broad selection of his most interesting and controversial texts,many of which have not previously been translated into English.They range over the themes of the nature and legitimacy of political power ,law and the social order ,crime and ...
Chin, Yik Chan and Chen, Changfeng (2017) Internet Governance: Exploration of Power Relationship. Proceeding of the Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GigaNet) Annual Symposium, December 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3107239 Yik Chan Chin (2017) Political Legitimacy and Media ...
sons of Edward IV, consigned as boys to the Tower of London and supposedly murdered by order of their uncle, Richard III. Invading England with support from both commoners and princes, Warbeck challenged the legitimacy of the first Tudor king. Wroe nicely evokes the ephemera of image and ...
previously been translated into English.They range over the themes of the nature and legitimacy of political power ,law and the social order ,crime and punishment,liberty and humanity ,war and peace ,and the growing disorder in the French economy ,as well as touching on specific issues and ...
4. Between or beyond legal orders: questioning the concept of legal order Sanne Taekema Part II. Realities and Inter-legality Questions:5. Why and what (state) jurisdiction: legal pluralism, individual equality and territorial legitimacy Samantha Besson 6. Inter-legality – citizenship – inter-...
5. Peng Wang. Multilateral Reform of Investor-State Dispute Resolution Mechanism: A Balance between Public Legitimacy Management and Private Efficiency Refinement, in Shan, Su & Zhang (eds.), China and International Dispute Resolution in the Context of the “Belt and Road Initiative” (Cambridge ...
jihad聖戰172 just war正義戰爭174 League of Nations國際聯盟177 legitimacy合法性179 levels of analysis層次分析法181 liberal internationalism自由國際主義183 loose nukes散失的核武器185 managed trade管制貿易187 Marxism馬克思主義189 mercantilism重商主義191 mercenary僱傭軍192 Mercosur南方共同市場195 misperception錯誤...
2009.JingZhang."ResolutionMechanismsforLandRightsDisputes".D.S.DavisandWangFengeds.,CreatingWealthandPovertyinPost-socialistChina,StanfordUniversityPress;2008-2009.JingZhang."Social Discourse, Changes in Legitimacy Justifications".ChineseSociologyandAnthropology,Vol.41,No.2;2005.JingZhang."Neighborhood-Level...
The problem of legitimacy and legality is one of the key issues of modern thought and nowhere more intensely debated than in the countries of the former Soviet bloc. Under the Communist system, symbols of modern government had been supplemented and changed in order to serve the totalitarian ...
《Communities in Cyberspace》是1999年Routledge出版的圖書,作者是Marc Smith。內容簡介 Editors Smith and Kollock have gathered contributors with a variety of viewpoints to examine both the "legitimacy" of community in cyberspace and to question how it operates. While the authors do conclude that ...
others, Quiring analyses the performativity of the curse, and tracks its power through the juristic themes -- of sovereignty, legitimacy, natural law, the exception, succession, and so on -- that are pursued within Shakespeare's plays. As such, Shakespeare's Curse provides an original and ...
2006. “Client Influence and the Contingency of Professionalism: The Work of Elite Corporate Lawyers in China.” Law & Society Review 40(4): 751-782.2006. “Beyond Global Convergence: Conflicts of Legitimacy in a Chinese Lower Court.” Law & Social Inquiry 31(1): 75-106.中文論文 《中國...
Sampras beat Carl-Uwe Steeb by 6-1, 6-2, 6-1 to underline the legitimacy of his challenge for the title. 桑普拉斯以6比1、6比2和6比1戰勝了卡爾-尤韋·斯蒂布,證明了他挑戰冠軍頭銜的合理性。Make sure that you underline every verb throughout the entire page. 記住在這一頁上的所有動詞下面...
“Conscience, Sympathy, and the Foundation of Morality,” American Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 28, No. 1, 1991.“The Logic of the Generality of Moral Principles,” The Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 38, No. 152, 1988.“An Alternative to Genette’s Theory of Order,” Style, Vol. 22, No...
5.IfKingsandDukesAbidebyMorals,EverythingwillFallintoPlace ChapterⅢTheSilkRoadandtheEconomicEthicsofChina'sPeacefulDevelopment 1.TheSilkRoadandtheWayforDevelopingtheEconomyandSpreadingCulture 2.ProfitEstablishedThroughRighteousness 3.“ExtendedLoveandSharedProfit”4.ControllingProfitswithRighteousness 5.Legitimacyof...
are turning against the existing Japanese social order, whose legitimacy has been undermined by the past decade of economic downturn. The book shows how young people in Japan are thinking about their bodies and identities, their social relationships, and their employment and parenting, in new and ...
5. "Origins of the Manana Dynasty at Kish, and the Assyrian King List", with S. Dalley, pp 159-165, 英國《伊拉克》Iraq 52, 1990, London 6. "Did the Assyrian King List Attempt to Prove the Legitimacy of Shamshi-Adad?", pp 25-37, 長春《古代文明雜誌》JAC 5 (1990), Changchun, ...
a detailed analysis of how policymakers use law to achieve their political objectives and situates these patterns within a broader theoretical understanding of how law operates in contemporary politics. She argues that legal culture--defined as collectively shared understandings of legal legitimacy and ...
On the Sovereignty Legitimacy of Island-building……… YU Shifeng Illegality Affirmation and Legal Governance of Price Monopoly Agreements in the Automotive Industry………CHEN Bing On Total Behavior Control System in China's Environmental Law………XU Xiangmin Conflict and Coordination of Interests Betwe...
important, the editor has significantly expanded the range of the anthology. The book includes not only writers born since the previous edition, but also many fine poets overlooked in earlier editions or little known in the past but highly deserving of attention. The anthology confers legitimacy ...