


  • 中文名:錢憶親 
  • 學位/學歷:博士 
  • 職業:教師


亞太區網際網路治理論壇多利益相關方指導小組成員、中國網際網路治理論壇多利益相關方指導小組成員、全球網際網路治理學者網路外展和夥伴關係主任、國際媒介與傳播研究學會公共服務媒體政策工作小組副主席, ICANN亞洲、澳大利亞和太平洋群 島地區網路普通用戶組織 (APRALO) 個人會員。
畢業於香港中文大學工程學院電子計算機系,擁有 (二級榮譽)“理學士”學位。碩士和博士畢業於英國倫敦大學的金斯密斯學院(Goldsmiths College)(跨國傳播和全球媒體碩士)和威斯敏斯特大學(University of Westminster) (哲學博士)。在加入北京師範大學之前,曾在西交利物浦大學,香港浸會大學媒體與傳播系, 和牛津大學及諾丁漢大學法學院工作。 錢博士研究方向為網際網路治理,媒體和傳播政策,規制和法律。
結合其電子計算機,傳播學, 和法學的研究背景,一直致力於從交叉學科的角度來研究媒體和傳播相關的政策和治理問題。結合了多學科理論來解釋社會基礎如何促進媒體和傳播系統,媒體和傳播政策,規制和治理的變化。目前的研究重點是中國的網際網路治理和社交媒體倫理。 主要的交叉學科研究論文發表於傳播學、法律和政治學期刊上,最近的研究成果包括2020年出版的書籍章節《中國網際網路治理:網路治理路徑》(被瑞士蘇黎世大學Herbert Burkert教授評為“ 近期與技術法有關的最好的學術作品之一) 和2016年Routledge出版的專著《中國電視規則和媒體政策》。




2020年至今 北京師範大學新聞傳播學院 副教授
2017-2020 西交利物浦大學 傳媒與傳播學院 助理教授
2012-2017 香港浸會大學傳播學院新聞學系 研究助理教授
2010-2012 諾丁漢大學法學院 諾丁漢高級研究員
2007年-2010年 牛津大學法學院 媒體法律與政策研究員
2005年-2007年 威斯敏斯特大學傳播與媒體研究所 研究員


(1)Internet Governance (網際網路治理); (2)Media and Communication Policy (媒體與傳播政策);(3) Regulation and Law(規則與法律);(4) Globalisation (全球化)


Cyberspace Governance (網路空間治理)
Communication Policy, Regulation and Ethics (新聞傳播政策、法規和倫理)
Digital Media Law and Ethics (數字媒體法與倫理)
Digital Revolution in China (中國的數字革命)
Perspective on Media and Society (媒體與社會觀點)



  1. Yik Chan Chin, Ke Li (forthcoming) Regulating Sovereignty in Cyberspace: EU and China Compared, Global Political Economy.
  2. Chin, Yik Chan and Jingwu Zhao (2022) Governing Cross-Border Data Flows :
  3. International Trade Agreements and Their Limits. Laws, 11: x. https://doi.org/10.3390/xxxxx
  4. Chin, Yik Chan, Park, Ahran, & Li, Ke (2022). A comparative study on false information governance in Chinese and American social media platforms. Policy& Internet, 14, 263–283. https://doi.org/10.1002/poi3.301.
  5. Muller, Milton & Yik Chan Chin (2022) Platform governance by competing systems of political economy: The United States and China. Policy& Internet, 14, 240-242. https://doi.org/10.1002/poi3.306
  6. Yik Chan Chin (2021) Cyberspace "Sovereignty Issues" Disputes, Evolution and Future in the Second Half of 2020, China Information Security, 12:85-89. (in Chinese) 錢憶親,2020年下半年網路空間“主權問題”爭議、演變與未來,中國信息安全. 2020, (12),85-89.
  7. Alessandro D’Arma, Minna Aslama Horowitz, Yik Chan Chin (2020) Advocating for Public Service Media: Scholarship and Praxis, Interactions, 11(2):129-133.
  8. https://doi.org/10.1386/iscc_00014_2
  9. Chin, Yik Chan (2018) The Legitimation of Media Regulation in China. Chinese Political Science Review. 3, 172–194. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41111-018-0099-x
  10. Yik Chan Chin & Changfeng Chen (2017) Internet governance: an exploration of an integrated approach. Global Media Journal, Volume 4, Issue 2, Page 4-31. (in Chinese)
  11. 錢憶親,陳昌鳳, 網際網路治理:一種綜合路徑的探索[J].全球傳媒學刊. 2017,第4卷第2期4-31頁,DOI:10.16602/j.gmj.20170012
  12. Changfeng Chen & Yik Chan Chin (2017) Internet governance: an exploration of an integrated approach. Global Media Journal, Volume 4, Issue 2, Page 4-31.
  13. 陳昌鳳,錢憶親, 網路治理視角下的社交媒體政策與規制, 全球傳媒學刊,2017,第4卷第2期,1-3頁.
  14. Yik Chan Chin (2015) “Constitutional rights and truth and fair comment defences in Chinese right to reputation lawsuits”. Media and Arts Law Review, 20:422-452.
  15. https://ssrn.com/abstract=2790750
  16. Yik Chan Chin (2014) “Privilege and Public Opinion Supervision Defenses in China’s Right to Reputation Litigation”, Media and Arts Law Review, 19:276-299.
  17. https://ssrn.com/abstract=2525102
  18. Yik Chan Chin (2013) "Regulating social media, regulating life (and lives)", Rhodes Journalism Review, 33.
  19. Yik Chan Chin (2012) “Public Service Broadcasting, Public Interest and Individual Rights in China”, Media, Culture & Society, 34(7): 898–912. https://doi.org/10.1177/0163443712452700
  20. Yik Chan Chin (2011) “Policy Process, Policy Learning, and the Role of Provincial Media in China”, Media, Culture and Society, Vol.33. No.2:193-210.
  21. https://doi.org/10.1177/0163443710393381
  22. Yik Chan Chin. (2004) “Integration into Global Capitalism or Modernisation with Chinese Characteristics?: The shifting patterns of China’s television sector and ideological debates amid the WTO entry, Journalism and Communication Studies Review, 2003 Annual Edition:101-110. 錢憶親, 入世後中國電視業發展模式的變遷, 新聞與傳播評論. 2003, 頁碼:101-110+246+25
  23. Yik-Chan Chin (2003) “The Nation-state in A Globalizing Media Environment: China’s regulatory policies on transborder TV drama flow”. Javnost/The Public, Vol.10, 4, 75-94. https://doi.org/10.1080/13183222.2003.11008842
  24. Yik-Chan Chin (2003) “China’s Regulatory Policies on Transnational Drama Flow”. Media Development, 3/2003, 17-22.


Yik Chan Chin (2016&2018) Television Regulation and Media Policy in China (hardback & softback). London: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780203798751


  1. Yik Chan Chin (forthcoming)Balancing Rights to Information and Right to Data Protection in the Digital Era: the Case of China in Minna Horowitz & Hannu Nieminen; Katja Lehtisaari; Alessandro D’Arma (eds.) Epistemic Rights in the Era of Digital Disruption, Palgrave-MacMillan: London.
  2. Yik Chan Chin (forthcoming) Media Policy, Routledge Encyclopedia of Chinese Studies, Routledge: London.
  3. Yik Chan Chin (2020) Internet Governance in China: the network governance approach. In Zhenxu Wang and Dragan Pavlicevic (eds.) Social Relations and Political Development in China: Change and Continuty in the ‘New Era’. London: Routledge, pp: 134-153. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9781003032151-8/internet-governance-china-yik-chan-chin
  4. Yik Chan Chin (2019) “The Development of World Internet Media”. In Chinese Academic of Cyberspace Studies (eds.) World Internet Development Report, 149-174. Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry. (in Chinese)
  5. Yik Chan Chin (2013) “Policy Process, Policy Learning, and the Role of Provincial Media in China”. In. Michael Kean and Wanning Sun (eds.) Chinese Media. London: Routledge.
  6. Yik Chan Chin and Matthew Johnson (2012) “Public Service: New Paradigms of Policy, and Reform in China”. In. Gregory Ferrell Lowe and Jeanette Steemers (eds.) Regaining the Initiative for Public Service Media: RIPE@2011 Reader, NORDICOM. Pp.149-166.
  7. https://ssrn.com/abstract=2790751
  8. Chin Yik-Chan (2007) “From the local to the global: China’s TV policy in Transition”. In Manfred Kops and Stefan Ollig (eds.) Internationalization of the Chinese TV Sector. Berlin: Lit Verlag:221-240. https://ssrn.com/abstract=1868587


  1. He, Qing and Yik Chan Chin (2022) Digital Platform’s Personal Information Protection and Antitrust Regulatory Boundary. 2022 IAMCR Pre-Conference: Digital Governance and Transcultural Communications, 8 July 2022, Virtual Online.
  2. Yik Chan Chin and Jingwu Zhao (2022) Governing Cross-Border Data Flows : International trade agreements and their limits, the 2nd International Cyberspace Governance Forum, 9th-10th June 2022, Beijing, China
  3. Chin, Yik Chan and Li, Ke (2021)A Comparative analysis of Cyber Sovereignty Policies in China and the EU. TPRC49: The 49th Research Conference on Communication, Information and Internet Policy, August 6, 2021. https://ssrn.com/abstract=3900752 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3900752
  4. Yik Chan Chin (2018) Fake News and Social Media in China. Paper Present on 2018 Annual IAMCR Conference, University of Oregon, USA, July 2018.
  5. Chin, Yik Chan and Chen, Changfeng (2017) Internet Governance: Exploration of Power Relationship. Proceeding of the Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GigaNet) Annual Symposium, December 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3107239
  6. Yik Chan Chin (2017) Political Legitimacy and Media Regulation in China, Paper Present on 2017 IAMCR Conference, Columbia .June 2017
  7. Yik Chan Chin (2016) Shanghai Television: From state institution to enterprise, Paper Present on 2016 IAMCR Conference Leicester, UK.25-30 July 2016
  8. Yik Chan Chin (2012) Public Service and Individual Rights: Striking the Balance between Order, Development and Freedom of Speech in China, MeCCSA, University of Bedfordshire, UK.
  9. Yik Chan Chin (2010). “Public Interest and Public Service: New paradigms of policy, regulation in China’s television industry”, paper presented at the RIPE@2010 Conference, 8-11 September 2010, University of Westminster, UK.
  10. Yik Chan Chin (2009). “Policy Process, Policy Learning, and the Role of Provincial Media in China”, Paper Presented at the 2009 Society of Legal Scholars Centenary Conference, 7-10 September, Keele University, UK.
  11. Yik Chan Chin (2008) “Policy Process, Policy Learning, and the Role of Provincial Media in China”, Paper Presented at the ECREA 2nd European Communication Conference, 25-29, November, Barcelona, Spain.
  12. Yik Chan Chin (2008) “The Challenging Potential of Local Media: Lessons from China”, Paper presented at the 2008 International Communication Association Conference, 21-26 May, Montreal, Canada.
  13. Yik-chan Chin (2006) “From the local to the global: local discourse and TV policies in China”. Paper presented at the 2006 Internationalising Media Studies: imperative and impediments Conference 15-16 September 2006, University of Westminster, London.
  14. Yik-chan Chin (2004) “The Nation-state in A Globalizing Media Environment: the implication of China’s broadcasting policy on transborder TV drama”. Paper presented at the 2004 International Communication Association Conference, 27-31 May, New Orleans, USA.
  15. Yik-chan Chin (2004) “Integration into Global Capitalism or Modernisation with Chinese Characteristics?: The shifting patterns of China’s television sector and ideological debates amid the WTO entry”. Paper presented at the Transnational Media Corporations and National Media Systems: China after entry into the World Trade Organisation Conference, May 17 - 21, 2004, The Bellagio Study and Conference Centre, Rockefeller Foundation, Italy
  16. Yik-chan Chin (2003) The Nation-state in A Globalizing Media Environment: China’s regulatory policies on transborder TV drama flow. Paper presented at the MeCCSA (Media, Communications & Cultural Studies Association) 5th Annual Conference. 19-21 December, Sussex, UK.
  17. Yik-chan Chin (2002) China’s Communication Policies on Transborder TV Dramas Flows. Paper presented at the Tamkang University 2002 International Communication Convention, 6-7 December 2002, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC.
  18. Yik-chan Chin (2002) State, Television and Media Globalisation. Paper presented at London Doctoral Student Symposium, 14 February 2002, London, UK


  1. Principal Investigator, 2019, Blue Book Major Issues Research and Support Services, Policy and Regulation Bureau of the Cyberspace Administration of China, “2019 International Internet Media Development Report“
  2. 課題組成員, 2018教育部人文社會科學研究青年基金項目, 全球網際網路治理規則中的中美衝突及對策研究
  3. 課題組成員,2018年國家社會科學基金重大項目, 智慧型時代的信息價值觀引領研究 (項目批准號: 18ZDA307)
  4. Principal Investigator, 2018 - 2021, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Research Development Fund (RDF), “Big Data Ethics in China’s Social Media Sector”
  5. Principal Investigator,2016-2017, Hong Kong Baptist University, Faculty Research Grants (FRG), “Social Media in the People’s Republic China: the policy and regulatory perspective”
  6. Principal Investigator,2015-2017, Hong Kong Research Grant Council, General Research Fund (GRF),“Social Media in China: the network governance perspective”
  7. Principal Investigator, 2010-2012, Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Research Grants on “Researching Law in Society in China: The interplay between the law and media in defamation litigation (1992-2009)”
  8. Application-Author, European Commission, 2010-2012,Project Grants on “Protecting the media through the law”
  9. Principal Investigator, 2009-2011, British Academy Research Grants on “Chinese Broadcasting Policymaking in Transition (2009-2010): Actors, Structure and Process”
  10. Principal Investigator, 2008, Faculty of Law, University of Oxford, Research
  11. Support Grant on“Libel litigation and the Media in China”


  1. 8 July 2022, Co-organised the IAMCR Pre-Conference: Digital Governance and Transcultural Communications, Virtual Online. https://iamcr.org/beijing2022/digital-governance
  2. 9-10 June 2022, Co-orgnised the 2nd International Cyberspace Governance Forum, Virtual Online. http://fxy.buaa.edu.cn/info/1009/7230.htm; http://fxy.buaa.edu.cn/info/1003/7239.htm
  3. 8 December 2021, Co-organised the 2021 IGF Workshop #WS77 Antitrust Regulation of Internet Platforms in Global Outlook, Virtual Online. https://www.intgovforum.org/en/content/igf-2021-ws-77-antitrust-regulation-of-internet-platforms-in-global-outlook; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0gAX-o3thk
  4. 23-25 August 2021, Co-organised the Comparative Analysis of Platform Governance in the US and China conference, Virtual Online. https://www.internetgovernance.org/2021/07/15/comparative-analysis-of-platform-governance-in-the-u-s-and-china/
  5. 12 Nov 2020, Co-organisd the 2020 IGF Workshop #180 Trust, Media Ethics & Governance During COVID-19 Crisis. https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/igf-2020-ws-180-trust-media-ethics-governance-during-covid-19-crisis; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goiquUi0kyw
  6. 27 Nov 2019, Co-organised the 2019 IGF Workshop#85 Misinformation, Responsibilities & Trust . https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/igf-2019-ws-85-misinformation-trust-platform-responsibility; https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/igf-2019-–-day-2-–-raum-v-–-ws-85-ws-268-misinformation-responsibilities-trust
  7. 13th Nov 2018, Co-organised the 2018 IGF Workshop#11 “AI and Ethics: privacy, transparency and construction of knowledge” . https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/igf-2018-ws-11-ai-ethics-privacy-transparency-and-knowledge-construction; https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/content/igf-2018-day-2-salle-vii-ws-11-ai-ethics-privacy-transparency-and-knowledge-construction
  8. 3-4 December 2016, Co-organised the conference “Social Media Policy and Regulation: the Network perspective” (“網路治理視角下的社交媒體,政策與規制”研討會) in collaboration with School of Journalism and Communication, Tsinghua University. http://caijing.chinadaily.com.cn/2016-12/06/content_27589381.htm
  9. 23-24 May 2013, Co-organized the conference Social Media, Regulation and Freedom of Expression: A comparative perspective with the Centre for Journalism, Tsinghua University. The conference addressed the key issue of the advent of social media for media policy and legal regulatory issues including balancing between freedom of expression and social media regulation, social media access and service provision, social media content, defamation, privacy and data protection, impacts of social media on the economics of information, role of social media in a transitional society . Conference website: http://journalism.hkbu.edu.hk/news/news_WS13052324_archive.php; http://journalism.hkbu.edu.hk/news/news_WS130502.php
  10. August 2010, co-organized the workshop on Media Ethics & Law in Teaching, Research and Practice, with Chinese Association of Global Communication in collaboration, UNESCO, US-China Education Trust at School of Journalism and Communication, Tsinghua University, and Department of Journalism and Communication in Beijing Foreign Studies University
  11. Michaelmas Term 2009, Co-convened the seminar series Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Communication and Governance, Center for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford
  12. March 2008& 2009, Co-organized the Price International Media Law Moot Court Competition 2008 &2009, held in the Faculty of Law, University of Oxford.
  13. March 2009, Co-organized the workshop ‘Comparative Models of Controlling Information Flows in Times of Crisis’, Centre of socio-legal studies, University of Oxford.
  14. 2006, Organized the Conference ‘Modernisation, Modernity and the Media in China’, 15-16 June, 2006, the China Media Centre, University of Westminster, in co-sponsorship with the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania.
  15. 2006-2007, Organised the seminar series for the China Media Centre, University of Westminster
  16. 2006-2007, Organised the London China Seminar Series in collaboration with the SOAS’s Centre of Chinese Studies.
  17. 2004, Co-organised the Transnational Media Corporations and National Media Systems: China after entry into the World Trade Organisation Conference, in the Bellagio Study and Conference Centre, Rockefeller Foundation, Italy. More than twenty leading Chinese media scholars from Europe, USA, Canada, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China attended


